Sunday, February 20, 2022

Seattle and King county revoke mandatory bicycle helmet law for racial equity

The mandate to wear bicycle helmets in King county and Seattle was repealed for the wrong reasons!

What a waste of police resources to go after bicycle riders for not wearing a helmet!

So black bicycle riders may now risk their lives, because of race demagoguery without citation by police officers? This is so absurd!

Either bike riding is dangerous for your health as King county government claims and "bike helmets provide a 63-88% reduction in the risk of head and brain injuries for people who ride bikes. " or it is not.

Since 1993 were King county and since 2003 Seattle residents required to comply with this mandate. A case of government paternalism!

Should it not be left to individuals to decide whether they wear such a helmet or not?

Benjamin Franklin: "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Seattle revokes mandatory bicycle helmet law for racial equity - TheBlaze

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