Thursday, February 24, 2022

Dennis Prager: COVID-19 and the colossal Failure of America’s Major Religions

This is a great commentary by Dennis Prager!

What Prager forgot or omitted to mention is that the major religions also completely failed to support those citizens who objected vaccination for religious reasons!

My main blog posts related to the Covid-19 global pandemic: Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease and why it became the biggest scandal of the 21st century!

"... Even more concerning has been the reactions of America’s great religions—specifically, Catholics, Protestants, Mormons (Latter-day Saints), and Jews. The government issued irrational (as well as anti-religious and unethical) edicts and nearly every church and synagogue obeyed.
These churches and synagogues closed their schools to in-classroom instruction despite the fact that COVID-19 presented virtually no threat to young people.
Exponentially more children have been hurt by closing religious and secular schools and, later, by making children wear masks—even outdoors—than by COVID-19. ...
Recently, some churches and synagogues told their congregants that children as young as 5 had to be vaccinated in order to attend services. It is immoral to give young children a COVID-19 vaccine for which we have no long-term safety data, and especially when children are not at risk from the virus. ...
Given the sheeplike behavior of so many of America’s religious leaders and institutions, the question is: Why?
There are both similar and different answers for each religion. The similar reasons are that most religious institutions and leaders have become largely indistinguishable from their secular counterparts. With the exception of attending church or synagogue, most Christians and Jews think and act like most secular Americans. ...
Or has religion largely become something that serves only to make adherents feel good? ...
On Aug. 12, 2021, the First Presidency [of Mormons] (whose president is, not surprisingly, a physician) released a statement saying, “We urge individuals to be vaccinated,” and, “We can win this war if everyone will follow the wise and thoughtful recommendations of medical experts and government leaders.” ...
One obvious answer is that most non-Orthodox Jews are on the left. And the left lives in fear (of COVID-19, of global warming, of secondhand smoke, of diving boards, and much else) and is prepared to subvert any freedom to assuage their fears. In any event, freedom is not a left-wing value ..."

COVID-19 and the Failure of America’s Major Religions

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