Thursday, February 27, 2020

Yoshua Bengio's blog - first words

Even one of the most celebrated and accomplished research in artificial intelligence (AI) is not necessarily very smart outside the area of his expertise! YB is ideologically biased as if medieval superstition was his preoccupation!

Apparently, YB has created his own blog now and in his presumably first blog post he addresses:
"... If we don’t self-destruct in the meantime. What do I mean and why would we self-destruct? I mean that our society is built on fragile foundations, and most importantly that we are constructing and using tools we invented without the sufficient wisdom required to deploy them in a way that captures well the consequences of our actions." 
Professor Bengio humanity has not self destructed in over 2 million years of existence! Ah this elitist pretense of knowledge again!
"... I believe that our current political-social-economic structures are not appropriate to manage the increased power which science and technology is putting in our hands, endangering the natural equilibrium of this planet"
The socialist in him comes out!
"I have the impression that collectively we are like children playing with nuclear bombs"
His reasoning is infantile and so naive!
"That is why I have decided to devote some of my energy to thinking about the climate crisis, because I believe it is one of the most serious threats to humanity and the planet that our generation and coming generations will have to deal with."
So much for medieval superstition from a Turing Award winner! No, men like him are rather the most serious threat to humanity! And his first blog post goes on and on like this!

I have previously blogged about Yoshua Bengio here:

  1. Yoshua Bengio: An Ignorant & Naive Professor From Montreal
  2. When NIPS Became NeurIPS
P.S. Apart from YB's political views, I have great respect and admiration for his work as an AI researcher!

Yoshua Bengio's blog - first words - Yoshua Bengio: I often write comments and posts on social media but these tend to be only temporarily visible, so I thought I needed a place to…

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