Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Novel perfusion machine can keep livers alive for a week

Great news!

"The machine provides pulsing blood through an artery of the liver, mimicking natural blood supply. This pulsing of the blood flow is essential to prevent red blood cells from bursting, which can damage the liver. Through the blood, the machine delivers nutrients and controls glucose levels and oxygenation, monitoring their levels using a series of sensors.

To remove the waste products produced, the team incorporated a dialysis unit to the machine, which uses an algorithm to automatically adjust the flow and control the concentration of red blood cells.

Finally, in addition to nutrients, the liver also needs to be kept constantly moving to prevent tissue death. To simulate the movement caused by the diaphragm, the team placed a balloon below the liver to create automated movement."

Novel perfusion machine can keep livers alive for a week – Physics World: A team from Zurich has developed a new perfusion machine that can keep donor livers alive outside of the body for seven days

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