Friday, February 21, 2020

Fossil fuel use may emit 40 percent more methane than we thought (scaremongering & demagoguery)

This was probably the most repeated and widespread scaremongering & demagoguery and Global Warming hoax perpetuating subject of the week!

At least two of these articles did not fail to mention that methane "only lingers in the atmosphere for 10 to 20 years, while CO2 can linger for hundreds of years"

The article below also mentions that it is not without serious doubts to measure historic atmospheric methane from ice cores retrieved from Greenland.

How do these propagandists scare their readers? With phrases like "The amount of methane released from geologic (rather than biological) sources is from 172 to 195 teragrams (trillions of grams) per year. Those geologic methane sources include not only the oil and gas industry, but also natural vents such as onshore and offshore gas seeps." or "Methane has about 80 times the atmosphere-warming potential of carbon dioxide"

TERAGRAMS! Are you not immediately shocked to core?

Unfortunately, the concentration of methane in the atmosphere is only about "1866 ppb [parts per billion] by 2019". To contrast this with 412 ppm (parts per million) carbon dioxide.

Fossil fuel use may emit 40 percent more methane than we thought | Science News: Ice cores suggest natural seeps release less methane than was estimated, meaning industry produces nearly all of today’s geologic methane emissions.

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