Sunday, February 23, 2020

All shook up: Researchers mix RNA and DNA to study how life’s process began billions of years ago

Recommendable! Mixture of RNA and DNA versus RNA World hypothesis!

This goes way beyond the famous primordial soup experiment (aka as Miller-Urey experiment) of the 1950s.

"“That's not the case, because RNA World relies on RNA replicating itself, which is very difficult."
Part of the challenge is that RNA molecules form stable structures called duplexes. These structures have what’s known as a strong binding affinity. This means the RNA molecules have difficulty separating from each other and acting as templates for replicating further in the absence of enzymes. 
... now has experimental evidence to demonstrate that life’s process on Earth could have actually started with molecules that looked like a mixture of RNA and DNA. ... report that these mixed molecules form unstable duplexes and have lesser affinity for themselves. Surprisingly, these “chimeras” have stronger affinity for RNA and DNA, which allows them to act as templates for making RNA or DNA."

All shook up: Researchers mix RNA and DNA to study how life’s process began billions of years ago | Scripps Research

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