Friday, September 20, 2024

Donald Trump Makes Historic Bitcoin Payment At PubKey bar in New York city

Perhaps this is more than just an election campaign stunt! I hope so!

They say Trump has chance to win New York state turning it into a new swing state! Let's swing! Here is one explanation! 😊

"The former President showed up to PubKey, a Bitcoin-themed bar located in the heart of Greenwich Village, New York City, to purchase some cheeseburgers (on National Cheeseburger Day) at the establishment, which was packed with Bitcoin enthusiasts there to welcome him. ..."

Donald Trump Makes Historic Bitcoin Payment At PubKey - Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights "Former US president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump becomes the first US president to publicly transact with Bitcoin."

1000 ready-to-launch rockets in South Lebanon destroyed in IDF strike

Good news! What the heck is wrong with the Lebanese government to allow such atrocities to be committed from its territory!

I am afraid the fanatics and suicidal monsters of Hezbollah will not be deterred!

The cult of death v. the culture of life!

"... Starting on Thursday afternoon, a total of about 100 rocket launchers and other military infrastructure were attacked, including about 1,000 rockets that were ready for immediate launch, the IDF said. ..."

1000 ready-to-launch rockets in South Lebanon destroyed in IDF strike - The Jerusalem Post "These strikes come only days after the far-reaching Hezbollah communications explosion, spanning two days, wounding thousands and killing at least 30 people."

Why Germany Should Preserve Its public Debt Brake and the US Should Adopt One

Recommendable! See also my today's chart of the day blog post!

Compare to e.g. the Eurozone debt threshold of 60% of GDP. Beyond 60% was considered fiscally imprudent and risky! Of course, the Eurozone debt threshold was ignored by the many, ever so crafty, big spending politicians.

Yes, debt and debt financing limits are long overdue to constrain the always profligate spending culture of the U.S. Congress!

"... By 2019, Germany’s debt-to-GDP ratio had dropped to a manageable 60 percent, a significant improvement from the heights reached during the global financial crisis [ended 2009]. ... 

Meanwhile, the United States faces a ballooning debt crisis, with public debt just shy of 100 percent of GDP at $28 trillion ($35 trillion if you add in debts owed primarily to Medicare and Social Security) and projected to rise sharply in the decades ahead. ..."

Why Germany Should Preserve Its Debt Brake and the US Should Adopt One | Cato at Liberty Blog

Chart of the day

Probably, the charts for many western countries look similar! Very concerning!

Government spending and debt financing is out of control again!

The Iron Lady (the late Margaret Thatcher) governed from 1979-1980!

United Kingdom (source)

The only rabbi in Springfield, Ohio, says local Haitian migrants lack 'Western civilized values' and they do not want to assimilate

Western mainstream media try so hard to falsely debunk Trump's claim about Haitians' eating pet cats!

Nevertheless, this claim was a poor choice by Trump!

"... “This is about a culture clash,” Rabbi Cary Kozberg, who leads Temple Sholom ...“We, as the citizens of Springfield, are being disenfranchised.” ...

Springfield’s immigrant population, Kozberg says he believes the new arrivals — most of whom are in the country legally — are changing the city’s character for the worse.

“Haiti is not known for its, shall we say, adherence to Western civilized values,” Kozberg said. ...

“... wanted to assimilate ... “That’s not necessarily the case with these folks, and that’s where a lot of the frustration is.” ..."

The only rabbi in Springfield, Ohio, says local Haitian migrants lack 'Western civilized values' - Jewish Telegraphic Agency "The rabbi’s comments come as Jewish groups decry Donald Trump’s claims about migrants eating pets."

Rabbi Cary Kozberg of Temple Sholom in Springfield, Ohio, in 2016; a mural in Springfield, Sept. 16, 2024.

Bollywood: Indian filmmaker abandons human musicians for AI-generated music

Will human musicians be among the first to loose their jobs due to AI? Just wondering!

The blues goes on!

Like the Industrial Revolution before, many jobs will disappear, many new jobs will be created! Joseph Schumpeter's Creative Destruction!

"Indian filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma is ditching human musicians for artificial intelligence, saying he’ll use only AI-generated tunes in future projects, a move that underscores AI’s growing reach in creative industries. ..."

Indian filmmaker abandons human musicians for AI-generated music | TechCrunch

Indian film director, screenwriter and producer Ram Gopal Varma

Explosionen in Köln – eine neue Qualität des organisierten Verbrechens in Deutschland?

Typisch Bananenrepublik! Ein Hoch auf die Kuscheljustiz! (Vorsicht: Ironie)

Explosionen in Köln – eine neue Qualität des organisierten Verbrechens in Deutschland? "Entführungen, Explosionen, Handgranaten: Eine Welle der Gewalt erschüttert NRW. In dieser Form und Intensität ein Novum für Kripo-Chef Michael Esser. Die mutmaßlich aus den Niederlanden importierte Gewalt verheißt nichts Gutes."

Secretary of State Blinken calls for restraint in Lebanon after Israeli attacks on Hezbollah

Has this fool of the administration of the senile, demented and corrupt 46th President accomplished anything other than burning tons of jet fuel?
Maybe I am wrong, but I don't think so!

Is this the best he can say?

"... Further attacks in the Middle East would complicate a potential ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas.

“We continue to work to get a ceasefire for Gaza over the finish line, and as we discussed with some of you just a day ago in Egypt, we believe that remains both possible and necessary,” Blinken said. “But meanwhile, we don’t want to see any escalatory actions by any party that make that even more difficult.” ..."

Secretary of State Blinken calls for restraint in Lebanon after Israeli attacks on Hezbollah | Just The News

Oklahoma governor announces state has dropped 450,000 voters from voter rolls since 2021

Wow! More shocking news on the severely flawed voter rolls in the United States!

Oklahoma is not an exception or outlier! I blogged here two days ago about Arizona.

OK has only a population of about 4 million total!

Oklahoma governor announces state has dropped 450,000 voters from voter rolls since 2021 | Just The News "The state removed a total 456,309 names from the rolls, consisting of 5,607 felons, 14,993 duplicate registrations, 97,065 deceased voters, 143,682 voters who moved out-of-state, and 194,962 inactive voters."

Hydra: a budding model of transmissible cancer

Good news! Amazing stuff! Cancer is history (soon)!

It appears in humans transmissible cancers are rare (according to Google search)

This new research also confirms that overeating can be a cause of cancer.

"Transmissible cancers are an evolutionary enigma, defying just about every expectation scientists have for how cancers should behave. How do these bizarre tumors arise, gain the ability to spread, and persist, sometimes for millennia? Scientists may finally be poised to answer such questions, as for the first time, researchers report the spontaneous generation of transmissible tumors in the lab in small freshwater cnidarians called hydras.

Hydras are perhaps best known for their ‘immortality’: Individuals kept well seem to live indefinitely without showing any signs of aging and can even regenerate damaged parts. But they’re also cancer-prone, researchers studying the animals realized about 15 years ago. Wild hydras readily develop cancer when fed too much in captivity—no genetic manipulation required—which makes them an excellent choice for studying how cancers arise ... carefully observed the clonal descendants of hydras that developed tumors after being overfed, “hoping to capture the emergence of a transmissible tumor firsthand.” ...

By allowing researchers to observe how transmissible tumors behave and evolve under different conditions, the system aims to provide insights into how these contagious cancers develop, evolve, and spread—and, hopefully, such intel will help scientists better predict and control outbreaks of these cancers in wildlife."

"... Transmissible cancers are considered rare; scientists have spotted only about a dozen examples, mostly in mussels and their relatives. But their “dramatic ecological consequences” make them important to study ..."

From the abstract:
"While most cancers are not transmissible, there are rare cases where cancer cells can spread between individuals and even across species, leading to epidemics. Despite their significance, the origins of such cancers remain elusive due to late detection in host populations. Using Hydra oligactis, which exhibits spontaneous tumour development that in some strains became vertically transmitted, this study presents the first experimental observation of the evolution of a transmissible tumour. Specifically, we assessed the initial vertical transmission rate of spontaneous tumours and explored the potential for optimizing this rate through artificial selection. One of the hydra strains, which evolved transmissible tumours over five generations, was characterized by analysis of cell type and bacteriome, and assessment of life-history traits. Our findings indicate that tumour transmission can be immediate for some strains and can be enhanced by selection. The resulting tumours are characterized by overproliferation of large interstitial stem cells and are not associated with a specific bacteriome. Furthermore, despite only five generations of transmission, these tumours induced notable alterations in host life-history traits, hinting at a compensatory response. This work, therefore, makes the first contribution to understanding the conditions of transmissible cancer emergence and their short-term consequences for the host."


Figure 4. Summary of tumour transmission selection results and the proportion of hydras developing tumours in F1 and F1 CTRL.

Pentagon to oversee $3 billion effort to strengthen microchip supply

This is not small change! 

What do the generals need the chips for? Let the chips fall where they may. Just kidding!

"The first task order under what’s known as the Secure Enclave program was awarded to leading microchip developer Intel Corp. The funding will focus on improving commercial fabrication facilities and builds on work Intel has done through other DOD programs.

The effort is funded through the Biden Administration’s CHIPS and Science Act. Passed in 2022, the measure injects $52 billion into the semiconductor workforce and supports technology and manufacturing advancements needed to establish a more robust domestic microelectronics supply base. ..."

Pentagon to oversee $3 billion effort to strengthen microchip supply "The Pentagon announced today [9/16/2024] it will help lead a $3 billion U.S. Commerce Department initiative designed to make sure the U.S. military has access to a reliable domestic microelectronics supply chain."

The Art of Seeing Science: Interactive Tools Visualize Climate Models. Really!

How is this supposed to work? Climate models are junk!

Climate is a highly complex natural phenomenon. We still know fairly little about it! Maybe with machine learning & AI we will soon have better climate models, but until then ...

We can not even predict weather accurately beyond 48 hour or even less! Then there is the poor backcasting performance of climate models etc.

These models were used to predict climate for the next 100 years or so. Laughable!

"... At the end of the program, the team presented prototypes for interactive tools—named CliMAScope and CLOVE—which enable researchers to gain new scientific insights from their data while also serving as a springboard for artistic inquiry. ..."

The Art of Seeing Science: Interactive Tools Visualize Climate Models -

The annoying and appalling daily obsession with race in our time and in public discourse

This is probably the greatest propaganda and demagoguery of our time! The only purpose of this racism is to sow distrust and division.

Basically everything is linked to racism in some form or another by so called intellectuals and the elite!

This racism is also strangely limited to basically only two skin colors and in only one direction! What about other racism?

We are living now at the end of the first quarter of the 21st century!

This obsession truly disgusting!

Von Rosinenbombern und West Berlin 1948-1949

Empfehlenswert! Deutsche Nachkriegsgeschichte. Eine Erinnerung.

"Wer etwas bewirkt
Den Begriff „Rosinenbomber“ kennen viele. Aber wer hat schon einmal den Namen Gail Halvorsen gehört? Dabei ist er die Person, die den Anstoß gab zu diesem äußerst wirkmächtigen Sinnbild, das der Westbindung der Bundesrepublik mit den Weg bereitete. Fast elf Monate lang mussten 1948 und 1949 die West-Berliner mit einer Luftbrücke versorgt werden. Zu Beginn dieser Zeit kam der Airforce-Pilot Gail Halvorsen auf die Idee, den in Flughafennähe beobachtenden Kindern Süßigkeiten zukommen zu lassen, indem er das Naschwerk an Fallschirme band, die er aus Taschentüchern gebastelt hatte, und es beim Anflug herabsegeln ließ. In Windeseile wurde diese Idee auch von seinen Vorgesetzten aufgegriffen und zur offiziellen Policy gemacht. Insgesamt segelten rund 23 Tonnen an Süßigkeiten an einer Viertelmillion Fallschirmchen auf den Westen Berlins nieder.
Taten sprechen lauter als Worte. Das Signal, das die amerikanischen Soldaten an die Kinder in der belagerten Stadt, aber auch in die ganze deutsche Nachkriegsgesellschaft hinein sandten, war von entscheidender Bedeutung beim Herausbilden eines positiven Bildes der Siegermacht auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks. Das freiheitlich-demokratische Deutschland ruht nicht nur auf den weisen Worten des Grundgesetzes oder dem Einsatz der ersten Politikergeneration, sondern auch auf solchen Versöhnungsgesten einfacher Menschen. Später berichtete Halvorsen von einer Begegnung mit den Kindern.  ... 
In Zeiten eines zunehmenden Antiamerikanismus, der natürlich auch mit einer Feindschaft gegenüber der offenen Gesellschaft einhergeht, sind solche Erinnerungen besonders wertvoll."

Subventionen sind Günstlingswirtschaft - Prometheus im Film - Rosinenbomber und Westbindung - Deirdre McCloskey

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Why the Netherlands Wants to Opt Out of the EU’s Migration Pact


Kamala Harris impersonator Estee Palti delivers ‘hilarious’ imitation. Really!

Who needs an impersonator for Mistress Kamala? What a joke!

Trump is a hero in the Middle East: U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, wo just visited the region

Recommendable! One of President Trump's greatest foreign policy achievements: The Abraham Accords. 

Kenyan Police in Haiti Arrest Several Gang Members, Recover Weapons During Impromptu Raid

Good news! Hopefully, peace and the rule of law will return to Haiti!

Steve Forbes: Why The government War On Vaping Is Needlessly Killing People


Norway Becomes First Country Where Electric Cars Outnumber Petrol Models. Really!

Nice try! Junk journalism! Norwegians still drive predominantly diesel (a fossil fuel) powered cars!

The NEW PHYSICS of Black Hole Star Capture | Extreme Tidal Disruption Events with Matt O'Dowd

Very recommendable! This time, I believe, I understood at least 80% of what Matt was talking about!

How Does the Israeli Unit 8200 Behind the Hezbollah Attack Function? with Palki Sharma


Hungary's Powerplay in Africa - Fighting Terrorism or Seeking Influence with Palki Sharma


One Montana county hopes safer gun storage will change its grim suicide statistics. Really!

Safe gun storage? What a fantasy to prevent suicides!

When the parents, family, and friends of an individual at risk of suicide can not convince this individual not to own his or her guns, then what?

The article cites an example of a young man with mental illness and substance use. Would not have better medical treatment helped him more?

"...  a culture of safe firearm storage means including safes ...

The firearms should be in a completely different spot from the ammunition, with two different safes with two different codes and locked down. ..."

This Montana county works to turn around its grim suicide statistics

United Nations v. Israel again

Did the UN ever vote to strip monstrous terrorists or their state sponsors of anything?

"... The text does not mention Hamas, the October 7 invasion of Israel, or the remaining 101 hostages in Gaza. It makes no requirements of Hamas or the Palestinians with regard to attacks on Israel. ..."

UN votes 124-14 to strip Israel's right to self-defense in Gaza, W. Bank - The Jerusalem Post "The resolution also calls on member states not to sell arms or military equipment to Israel that would be used in Gaza, the West Bank, and east Jerusalem."

At least there were 43 abstentions! Bravo!

Hungary plans to deploy 200 Hungarian troops to Chad

More on the current scramble for Africa!

Hungary's involvement is a little bit unusual! What a surprise!

"Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán repeated his intention to follow through on delayed plans to deploy 200 Hungarian troops to Chad to help stop migration and improve counterterrorism efforts. Hungary’s objectives are publicly aligned with the EU and are similar to the policies of other anti-immigration EU countries, such as Italy, that have sought to increase their role in the Sahel as France’s influence wanes. Hungary may also have alternative or secondary aims to offer regime support in exchange for economic benefits. Hungary giving greater priority to regime security and economic objectives over migration concerns would increase its alignment with Russia and create opportunities for cooperation in the Sahel. However, Hungary’s efforts have no explicit link to Russia, and Hungary and Russia are likely not explicitly coordinating their activity in the region."

Africa File, September 19, 2024: Jnim Strikes Bamako; Hungary Enters The Sahel; Ethiopia Somalia Proxy Risks | Critical Threats

Victor Orban

Arizona Public Services company: Cozy up to energy efficiency this fall. Really!

This was in my email today! So we have cat ladies and dog lovers?

Do I want to be kissed by a dog courtesy of my electricity provider?

"Enjoy a cozy fall and harvest energy savings. Here are some ideas to help you get started. ..."

Cozy up to energy efficiency this fall

European Central Bank: Operationalising climate-related and environmental risk management. Really!

The involvement of the ECB in climate policies is insane and contrary to its original mission! This is a very dangerous mission creep that has been going on for several years!

This clearly is an extension if not expansion of public policy without voters consent!

This is an attempt of top down control of businesses to comply with the Global Warming agenda hoax and Climate Change religion agenda!

Probably the French President of the ECB, i.e. Christine Lagarde is to blame too. I have blogged about this dubious woman before at least a dozen times.

"Five years ago, less than a quarter of the banks under our supervision had incorporated climate-related and environmental (C&E) risk in their risk management frameworks. We have come a long way since then. Most banks have now drawn up materiality assessments that are aligned with our supervisory expectations. But this is only a first step, and much more work lies ahead. ..."

Operationalising climate-related and environmental risk management

Chemists are celebrating the coffee break

This week Putin the Terrible asked Russians to have more sex during work breaks for procreation!

Give me a break!

Celebrating the coffee break | Opinion | Chemistry World "One of the most surprisingly productive parts of the day"

Germany Successfully Trials AI-Controlled Drone Swarm – Next Stop Ukraine?

Good news! Did somebody say Europe is falling behind in AI? I guess it depends on which AI we are talking about.

Given that Germany has been very reluctant since 1945 to militarily attack or threaten such an attack on the former Soviet Union or Russia, this is remarkable!

When will Putin the Terrible run for the exits? 😊

"In July 2023 the Bundeswehr initiated the KITU 2 (Künstliche Intelligenz für taktische UAS) study, in English the artificial Intelligence (AI) for tactical unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) study. Three German companies combined to address the requirement: Airbus Defence & Space as prime contractor along with the Munich based drone manufacturer Quantum Systems, and the software developer Spleenlab.

On Tuesday Quantum Systems announced that the consortium had made a “major breakthrough” after it had successfully flown an AI-controlled drone swarm made up of four different types of drone at the Airbus Drone Center in Manching, Bavaria at the beginning of August.

The statement said: “For the first time, a specially developed mission-AI controls and coordinates the UAV systems to ensure reliable mission execution even in scenarios with radio interference or a complete failure of individual drones.” ..."

Germany Successfully Trials AI-Controlled Drone Swarm – Next Stop Ukraine? "German Armed Forces-funded research into the use of artificial intelligence to control the next generation of drone swarms brought together three companies who combined to prove the concept."

Airbus and Quantum Systems make progress in autonomous swarm technology "Successful tests of 7 AI-controlled Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) at the Airbus Drone Center in Manching"

Germany Plans Extra €400 Mn Military Aid to Ukraine

Good news! Bravo!

Chancellor Scholz may not go down in history as an overall great German chancellor, but his commitment to provide military aid to the Ukraine is outstanding!

"Germany is planning almost €400 million ($445 million) in extra military aid for Ukraine this year despite a row over budgetary constraints, according to a finance ministry document seen by AFP Thursday. ..."

Germany Plans Extra €400 Mn Military Aid to Ukraine "Berlin has been the second-largest contributor of military aid to Ukraine after Washington and had already earmarked around €7.5 billion for Kyiv in 2024."

Chancellor Olaf Scholz

Putin orders Russian army to become second largest after China's at 1.5 million-strong by increasing it by new 180,000 soldiers

Hopefully, many young Russian men will try to evade or escape he draft, because they realized that the Russo-Ukrainian War is unjust and a war crime committed by Putin the Terrible!

Hopefully, also the parents and sisters of such young men will try to talk with their sons/brothers about going to war.

There have been reports in the past that young Russian men left Russia to avoid the draft. Bravo!

"President Vladimir Putin on Monday ordered the regular size of the Russian army to be increased by 180,000 troops to 1.5 million active servicemen in a move that would make it the second largest in the world after China's.
In a decree published on the Kremlin's website, Putin ordered the overall size of the armed forces to be increased to 2.38 million people, of which he said 1.5 million should be active servicemen."

Putin orders Russian army to become second largest after China's at 1.5 million-strong | Reuters

Die Ukrainer zerstören eines der grössten und modernsten Munitionslager Russlands – und blamieren dadurch den Kreml

Gestern war mir noch nicht klar gewesen, wie wichtig dieses Munitionslager war!

"Ukrainische Drohnenangriffe bis tief ins Innere Russlands sind längst keine Seltenheit mehr. Seit Anfang Jahr haben dabei mehrere Dutzend Erdölraffinerien, Treibstofflager und Munitionsdepots Schäden erlitten, oftmals mehr als 1000 Kilometer von der russisch-ukrainischen Front entfernt. Doch der spektakuläre Vorfall vom Mittwoch sticht heraus und übertrifft an Explosionskraft alle bisherigen Angriffe. ..."

Ukraine-Krieg: Riesiges Munitionslager zerstört - Blamage für Putin "Ein nächtlicher Drohnenangriff hat in Westrussland ein Inferno ausgelöst. Grosse Mengen Munition sollen detoniert sein. Die Katastrophe ist eine Blamage für das Putin-Regime, das behauptet hatte, die Anlage sei selbst bei einer Atomexplosion sicher."

English for trippers: Memo to meme

You did't get it? Try another meme! More memory?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Stephanie Mills - Home (live)

Enjoy! Very nice vocal performance by Stephanie Mills! I am surprised I did not know this song of hers.

Elon Musk's satellites 'blocking' view of the universe | BBC News. Really!

This is just another cheap shot at Elon Musk! Why only Musk satellites?
BBC this is stinking old news! Such complaints were already raised in the 20th century!
The only interviewee is a former scientist!
You can also see from the YouTube commentaries to this video that quite a few people who dislike Musk came out!

Ukrainian drones strike a large military depot in a Russian town northwest of Moscow

Good news! The explosion was so strong that earthquake monitoring stations picked it up! When will the lethargic and apathetic Russians finally oust he megalomaniac and war criminal Putin the Terrible!

Minnie Riperton - Lovin' You (live)

Enjoy! She has a high pitched voice.

China Advances Chipmaking With New Laser Lithography Machine, Defies US Sanctions

The competition is not sleeping! Sanctions may even accelerate domestic development!

Shocking new video reveals how close would-be-assassin almost came to Donald Trump

Wow! The would be assassin came perhaps within less than 50 feet of Trump?

Hysterical Kamala Harris parody ad goes viral after being banned by Gavin Newsom

Enjoy! Funny! Who said the hair gel interfered with the intelligence of the governor of California Newsom?

Russian poised to resume nuclear testing 'at any moment'

Is the megalomaniac and war criminal Putin the Terrible becoming a madman too? When will the Russians finally oust him! The rest of the world would be so grateful!
Russia has not tested a nuclear weapon since 1990.

Iran to Deport 2 Million Afghan Refugees; Stops Selling Bread to Afghans with Palki Sharma

Bad news!

Brain Implant Allows Man to Control Amazon's Alexa With His Mind with Palki Sharma

Good news!

Russia Expands Reach in Africa With Congo Fuel Pipeline With Palki Sharma

More on the current scramble for Africa!

Israel & Mossad's History of Sophisticated Attacks & Assassinations against terrorists and its sponsors with Palki Sharma


Exploding Pagers: How Were These Devices Manipulated With Palki Sharma

Recommendable! Sure Israel has given Hezbollah terrorists a stern warning not to dare open a second front! Don't mess with Israel!

UK signs trade pact with Thailand to boost exports

Good news!

UK signs trade pact with Thailand to boost exports - GOV.UK "UK Trade Minister signs trade pact designed to boost trade and investment with Thailand and open the country up to British businesses."

Credits: U.K. signs trade partnership with Thailand, first in Southeast Asia "Labour minister sees region as 'key growth engine'"

Taiwanese company Gold Apollo denies making Hezbollah's exploding pagers

Taiwan in the cross hairs again? 😊

Did Taiwan assist Israel?

Gold Apollo blames Hungary-based BAC Consulting.

Taiwan company denies making Hezbollah's exploding pagers - Nikkei Asia "Intrigue swirls over detonations blamed on Israel; Taipei says it will investigate"

Arizona admits that nearly 100,000 non-citizen 'voters' wrongly listed on voter rolls. This mistake happened back in 1996

What!!! At least five presidential elections have taken place without this huge error being corrected!!!

You wonder what is going on in other states!

"... The Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) provides the state’s voter registration system with driver’s license information, and the error occurred in that process. Affected voters had first obtained Arizona driver’s licenses before October 1996 and were issued duplicate replacements before registering to vote after 2004 ..."

Keep in mind: The Democratic presidential candidate (46th President) won Arizona in 2020 by less than 11,000 votes!

Current population of Arizona: about 7.4 million

Arizona admits that nearly 100,000 non-citizen 'voters' wrongly listed on voter rolls amid lawsuit | Just The News "Arizona officials admitted to finding nearly 100,000 voters who had not provided proof of U.S. citizenship but still had full voting privileges as the state is facing a lawsuit for not removing non-citizens from its voter rolls."

Trump’s second assassination attempt is shocking, but attempts on presidents’ lives are not rare in US history. Really!

Recommendable as far as the history is concerned! 

However, two assassination attempts within 3 months and before the presidential elections is certainly rare if not unprecedented in U.S. history!

Another leftist attempt in downplaying these two assassination attempts on former president Trump!

Trump’s second assassination attempt is shocking, but attempts on presidents’ lives are not rare in US history "Former President Donald Trump survived his second assassination attempt on Sept. 15, 2024, marking the latest chapter in a long history book. Presidential assassination attempts, whether successful or not, are fairly commonplace in American history."

Agam Naim becomes first woman IDF soldier to die fighting Hamas in Gaza. She was a paramedic

Get used to these kind of news in the age of gender equality! R.I.P.

To kill a paramedic is a war crime!

"IDF St.-Sgt. Agam Naim became the first female IDF soldier to fall in combat in the Gaza Strip after she, along with three other soldiers, was killed in a building explosion on Tuesday.

Naim was a 20-year-old paramedic from Kibbutz Mishmarot. On Thursday, she was supposed to complete six months of service in Gaza, go on regular leave, and begin instructing a paramedics course at Bahad 10, the medical corps school. ..."

Agam Naim becomes first woman IDF soldier to die fighting Hamas in Gaza - The Jerusalem Post "Agam Naim was an IDF soldier, she fell in Rafah in a building explosion along with three other IDF soldiers."

Second failed assassination attempt leaves Trump again contemplating divine providence. Really!

Trump better stops this dangerous nonsense immediately! Maybe he is not the choosen one as he might believe he is!

This might also cost him significant votes! It is certainly a put off to some voters!

For this nonsense, he might even attract another would be assassin!

Second failed assassination attempt leaves Trump again contemplating divine providence | Blaze Media "Trump has made no secret of his sense that God and God 'alone' is keeping him alive."

Former neutral Sweden moves to ramp up defense spending by $1.3 billion in 2025 to 2.4% of GDP

Good news!

Putin the Terrible rocked the boat when he invaded the Ukraine! More and more NATO member countries get better armed and ready!

Sweden only became a NATO member in March of 2024! Sweden maintained a strict policy of neutrality throughout the Cold War!

Sweden moves to ramp up defense spending by $1.3 billion in 2025 - Breaking Defense "The uplift will take the Nordic nation's annual military spending in 2025 to 138 billion SEK, equivalent to 2.4 percent GDP and above NATO's minimum defense spending target."

A comeback of traditional wives

Societal movements and trends come and go! The pendulum between progressive and conservative swings back and forth.

Tradwife just a meme by social media influencers? Don't be mean! 😊

Credits: Tradwives: Das unverstandene Schreckgespenst der Linken

Merz gegen Scholz: Duell der Restposten aus Merkels Zeit

Schlagzeile des Tages! Jüngere Politiker braucht das Land! 

Vielleicht sind Scholz und Merz noch nicht so senil und demented wie der gegenwärtige US Präsident, aber ...

Westliche Demokratien werden zu Gerontokratien dank alternder und schrumpfender nationaler Bevölkerung. Der Ausblick ist nicht gut!

"Ein 68-Jähriger fordert einen 66-Jährigen heraus."

Merz gegen Scholz: Duell der Restposten aus Merkels Zeit "Olaf Scholz gegen Friedrich Merz. Das Duell um die Kanzlerschaft ruft nicht gerade atemlose Spannung oder ungebremste Vorfreude hervor. Diese Personal-Entscheidungen zeigen das Problem der etablierten Parteien mit der Elite-Auswahl auf."

A breakthrough in wildfire detection: How a new constellation of satellites can detect wildfires as small as 5x5 meters earlier

Good news! Impressive! Let's put AI and satellite imagery to good use!

"... Until now, firefighters have had to rely on satellite imagery that’s either low resolution or only updated a few times a day, making it difficult to detect fires until they’ve grown larger than a soccer field.

Google Research has teamed up with leaders in the fire community to create FireSat — a purpose-built constellation of satellites designed specifically to detect and track wildfires as small as a classroom (roughly 5x5 meters). With FireSat, authorities will have high-resolution imagery that is updated globally every 20 minutes, helping them respond to fires before they become destructive. ...

the Google Research team contributed to the development of custom infrared sensors for the satellite  ... that could better detect small-scale fires. Using AI, FireSat will rapidly compare any 5x5 meter spot on earth with previous imagery, while also combining factors like nearby infrastructure and local weather, to determine if there's a fire. ..."

Google Research and the fire community create FireSat, a new constellation of satellites built to detect and track wildfires. "We’re partnering with leading wildfire authorities to launch FireSat, a new global satellite constellation designed specifically to detect and track wildfires the size of a classroom within 20 minutes."

There are more than 120 AI bills in the U.S. Congress right now. Really!

Sounds insane! Keep the do gooders and busy bodies away from AI!

There is an enormous risk that overregulation and excessive fears/expectations etc. will cripple the development of machine learning & AI.

"More than 120 bills related to regulating artificial intelligence are currently floating around the US Congress.

They’re pretty varied. One aims to improve knowledge of AI in public schools, while another is pushing for model developers to disclose what copyrighted material they use in their training.  Three deal with mitigating AI robocalls, while two address biological risks from AI. There’s even a bill that prohibits AI from launching a nuke on its own. ..."

There are more than 120 AI bills in Congress right now | MIT Technology Review

Artificial Intelligence Legislation Tracker (Caution: The Brennan Center for Justice is a left wing organisation)

Trump dodging bullets, Harris dodges interviews

Headline of the day!

Howie Carr: Trump dodging bullets, Harris dodges interviews

English for trippers: Shy like a pie in the sky

Think of World π Day (3/14)! 

My boyfriend is out of town

All the content that is fit to print on a T-shirt! 😊

Drew Barrymore

A Mercedes-Benz Fire in South Korea Jolts EV transition, burned for 8 hours and damaged almost 900 other cars

When EV vehicles burn, they burn! Why are those fires so little reported in the news, because they are rare or because they might deter buyers?

Even one of the most prestigious carmakers in the world and German engineering can not prevent EV vehicles from a presumed spontaneous combustion.

"The flames and smoke from a burning Mercedes-Benz electric sedan spread rapidly through the underground parking lot of an apartment complex in South Korea this month. The fire damaged almost 900 cars, and 23 people suffered smoke inhalation.

It took firefighters more than eight hours to put out the blaze, which reached temperatures above 1,500 degrees Celsius, according to officials in Incheon, the city near Seoul where the fire broke out around dawn on Aug. 1. ..."

A Mercedes-Benz Fire Jolts South Korea’s E.V. Transition - The New York Times

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Saudi Crown Prince MBS Announces $5 BN Investment in Egypt

Good news!

King Arthur: The Truth Behind The Legend


Force M.D.'s - Tender Love (Official Music Video)


Putin's 'Sex Appeal' To Russians: Urged to Use Work Breaks for Procreation and sex

Incredible! Hilarious! Putin the Terrible is loosing it! What kind of vodka is he drinking lately! 😊

Democratic freak show: Harris, Walz and Biden’s bizarre public appearances exposed

Hilarious without Hillary Clinton! Appreciate Australian humor!
Meet e.g. Tim Waltz's wife when you thought Mistress Kamala was giggling and producing word salads!
Finally, I got to watch the scene when the senile, demented and corrupt 46th President put a MAGA heat on his head in a firefighters station. The owner of the MAGA hat tells the President he is now proud of him. I cracked up!

Chocolates To Get Expensive? Ghana Loses 160,000 Tonnes of Cocoa to Smuggling

Bad news for a chocoholic like me!

Gabon: Self-Medicating Gorillas Could Hold the Key to the Future of Human medicine

Very recommendable!

How the UNSC Plans to Deny Veto Powers to the Global South with Palki Sharma

Recommendable! Food for thought! How to reform the UN Security Council?

Like Namibia before, Zimbabwe to Kill 200 Elephants to Feed People Amid Drought with Palki Sharma

Bad news! This is the first time since 1988. However, there is possibly a serious overpopulation of elephants going on in southern Africa.

India Slams Iran's Supreme Leader for Comments on "Muslims Suffering" with Palki Sharma

Recommendable, it covers the long history between Iran and India!
Or how Sunni Muslim minority is mistreated in Iran!

Prager University: Why Won't Egypt Accept Palestinian Refugees?

Recommendable, and mostly correct! Dennis Prager omitted or forgot to mention that Arab countries and Iran have been using the Palestinians as pawns against Israel for decades.

Teen girls in gangs: Inside the NYPD's takedown of female shooters

Me too! Men watch out in the age of gender equality!

Russia to NATO: Kremlin vows powerful retaliation for deep strikes

More threats from Putin the Terrible? Is Putin the Terrible getting nervous? When will this megalomaniac and war criminal be ousted? The world is waiting!

Bhutan’s Bitcoin Holdings Revealed: Kingdom Owns $780M in BTC from Mining

The Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith) redefined! 😊 Barely known small countries with tiny populations are getting into digital currencies!

Buddhists are mining a digital currency?

""Bhutan is the 4th largest government with Bitcoin holdings on our platform, with over $750M in BTC," ... "Unlike most governments, Bhutan’s BTC does not come from law enforcement asset seizures, but from Bitcoin mining operations, which have ramped up dramatically since early 2023." ..."

Bhutan’s Bitcoin Holdings Revealed: Kingdom Owns $780M in BTC from Mining - Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights

Is there a mining operation going on in this scenic temple?

Bitcoin Mining Shutdown in a Norway town Cause 20% Surge in Electricity Bills for residents

Amazing stuff! You can't make this up!

Maybe it is just the particulars of this case, but it may portend something!

"The closure of a Bitcoin mining facility in the Norwegian town of Hadsel has led to a 20% increase in electricity bills for residents. The mine was shut down after the municipality declined to renew its permit due to noise complaints.

Kryptovault operated the mining facility for 20% of local power company Noranett's revenue. With the loss of its largest customer, Noranett is raising prices for households to compensate. ..."

Bitcoin Mining Shutdown Cause 20% Surge in Electricity Bills - Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights "The shutdown of a Bitcoin mining facility in Norway caused a 20% increase in electricity bills for the town's residents. The loss of the mining operation's revenue forced the local power company to raise rates to offset costs."

There is evidence of human presence of at least 3,600 food contact chemicals used to store, process, package, and serve foodstuffs

Concerning? How serious is this issue? Alarmism and hysteria?

There have been tons of reports in the past several decades on human made chemicals found in our daily food.

This seems to be a very comprehensive study about chemicals entering into the  human food chain and into the human body.

However, there are about 8 billion humans depending every day on food packaging and storage materials.

"There is evidence of human exposure to at least 3,600 chemicals that leach into food in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, and storage of food supply, per a new Switzerland-based study—the first to systematically link the chemicals used in materials to package and process foods to human exposure. CNN"

From the abstract:
Over 1800 food contact chemicals (FCCs) are known to migrate from food contact articles used to store, process, package, and serve foodstuffs. Many of these FCCs have hazard properties of concern, and still others have never been tested for toxicity. Humans are known to be exposed to FCCs via foods, but the full extent of human exposure to all FCCs is unknown.
To close this important knowledge gap, we conducted a systematic overview of FCCs that have been monitored and detected in human biomonitoring studies according to a previously published protocol.
We first compared the more than 14,000 known FCCs to five biomonitoring programs and three metabolome/exposome databases. In a second step, we prioritized FCCs that have been frequently detected in food contact materials and systematically mapped the available evidence for their presence in humans.
For 25% of the known FCCs (3601), we found evidence for their presence in humans. This includes 194 FCCs from human biomonitoring programs, with 80 of these having hazard properties of high concern. Of the 3528 FCCs included in metabolome/exposome databases, most are from the Blood Exposome Database. We found evidence for the presence in humans for 63 of the 175 prioritized FCCs included in the systematic evidence map, and 59 of the prioritized FCCs lack hazard data.
Notwithstanding that there are also other sources of exposure for many FCCs, these data will help to prioritize FCCs of concern by linking information on migration and biomonitoring. Our results on FCCs monitored in humans are available as an interactive dashboard (FCChumon) to enable policymakers, public health researchers, and food industry decision-makers to make food contact materials and articles safer, reduce human exposure to hazardous FCCs and improve public health.
Impact statement
We present systematically compiled evidence on human exposure to 3601 food contact chemicals (FCCs) and highlight FCCs that are of concern because of their known hazard properties. Further, we identify relevant data gaps for FCCs found in food contact materials and foods. This article improves the understanding of food contact materials’ contribution to chemical exposure for the human population and highlights opportunities for improving public health."

Global Health NOW: Early Warning Systems Vital for Kenya; Immunizations Halted in Afghanistan; and Looking to Soccer to Solve Scientist Compensation

Fig. 1: Overview of the stepwise strategy for identifying FCCs with evidence for human exposure.

New study reveals changes in the brain of a woman throughout pregnancy and postpartum

Amazing stuff! Pregnancy seems to affect the whole brain of the pregnant woman.

The author of this article, a woman, used gender ideology! Shame on her! Examples: "Pregnancy is a transformative time in a person’s life ... first-ever map of a human brain over the course of pregnancy ..."

"... “We wanted to look at the trajectory of brain changes specifically within the gestational window,” ... Previous studies had taken snapshots of the brain before and after pregnancy, she said, but never have we witnessed the pregnant brain in the midst of this metamorphosis. ..."

From the abstract:
"Pregnancy is a period of profound hormonal and physiological changes experienced by millions of women annually, yet the neural changes unfolding in the maternal brain throughout gestation are not well studied in humans. Leveraging precision imaging, we mapped neuroanatomical changes in an individual from preconception through 2 years postpartum. Pronounced decreases in gray matter volume and cortical thickness were evident across the brain, standing in contrast to increases in white matter microstructural integrity, ventricle volume and cerebrospinal fluid, with few regions untouched by the transition to motherhood. This dataset serves as a comprehensive map of the human brain across gestation, providing an open-access resource for the brain imaging community to further explore and understand the maternal brain."

New study reveals changes in the brain throughout pregnancy | The Current

Fig. 1: Precision imaging reveals neuroanatomical changes throughout gestation.

Fig. 2: Cortical GMV showed widespread change through gestation and postpartum.