Wednesday, July 24, 2024

50 Years Later: Turkey’s ‘Cyprus Model’ Is Still Dangerous by Michael Rubin


"... Turkey’s occupation of Cyprus began a process that unfolded over years. Ethnic cleansing closely followed the initial invasion. Turks erased the Greek language and destroyed Greek churches. Ankara tried to organize the local indigenous population, but barring their complete buy-in to the Turkish imperial project, Turkey began transferring settlers into the region.  Turkey also began linking the occupied zone to Turkey proper: imposing the Turkish currency, linking the occupied zone to Turkey’s postal system, making Turkish the official language, imposing Turkey’s state curriculum, establishing local branches for Turkey’s universities, and enabling visa-free travel. While the Turkish zone only formally declared its independence in 1983, it remains a colony. Vichy France had more independence from Germany than the so-called Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has from Turkey. ..."

50 Years Later: Turkey’s ‘Cyprus Model’ Is Still Dangerous | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

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