Saturday, July 27, 2024

Must humans cull the starfish so coral reefs may live?

How anthropogenic is that? So the starfish killed the coral reef not climate change? Caution: satire

Human intervention to save the Great Barrier Reef?

"... starfish ... has been voraciously snacking on coral that make up Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Since the 1960s, scientists have noticed an uptick in the number of coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish, and outbreaks of these spiny beasts have decimated entire reefs. Now, a new study suggests a controversial stop-gap solution—culling these starfish—is working.

In regions where starfish were culled, populations of the predators were much smaller, and coral cover also increased by up to 44% in six years.  ...

the researchers behind the new study are exploring ways of controlling starfish outbreaks that require less human intervention, such as boosting the species’ natural predators.  ..."


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