Monday, July 29, 2024

German DAX companies received up to 44 billion Euros in subsidies from the German government in the past 8 years

Shocking! Most likely what a waste of taxpayer money and it distorts competition! Too big to fail and other connotations come to mind!

In 2023 alone, about 11 billion Euros in subsidies!

"... The largest recipient of state funds is the energy company E.ON, followed by car manufacturer Volkswagen and energy supplier RWE. The extent to which profitable companies receive public funding has risen dramatically in recent years. In 2023, more than five times as many subsidies were paid out to major German corporations than in 2016. ...
The three companies with the highest subsidies received 52% of the amounts collected from the annual reports, totalling 18.1 billion euros. ..."

DAX companies receive billions in subsidies - Flossbach von Storch

Credits: Dax-Konzerne erhalten Milliardensubventionen "Summe verdoppelt. Allein im vergangenen Jahr flossen rund 11 Milliarden Euro an die 40 im deutschen Leitindex notierten Unternehmen. Eine neue Analyse stellt die wirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit infrage."

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