Saturday, March 19, 2022

Member of U.S. Congress has died at 88 years old, in office since 1973

Can you believe it, he was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives since 1973 or for 49 years! His political career started in 1964 (at age 31) as mayor of Fort Yukon. Thus, he was a life long career politician.

As I said many times before here in my blog, it was a huge mistake that the U.S. Congress only imposed term limits on the president in 1951, but not members of the U.S. Congress itself! It is long overdue to correct this!

When you serve too long as an elected representative in Washington DC you likely become a member of the swamp and/or you get out of touch with your voters! I am not saying that Mr. Young has fit this description. R.I.P.

I am not sure whether too many life long career politicians in the legislative or executive branch are healthy for liberal democracies in the long term! I doubt it!

Republican Congressman Don Young from Alaska has died at 88 years old - TheBlaze

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