Sunday, March 27, 2022

Simple electrical circuit learns on its own—with no help from a computer

Amazing stuff! This is possibly serious food for thought!

"A simple electrical circuit has learned to recognize flowers based on their petal size. That may seem trivial compared with artificial intelligence (AI) systems that recognize faces in a crowd, transcribe spoken words into text, and perform other astounding feats. However, the tiny circuit outshines conventional machine learning systems in one key way: It teaches itself without any help from a computer—akin to a living brain. ...
“It’s a proof of principle,” ...“We are learning something about learning.” ...
They assembled a small network by randomly wiring together 16 common electrical components called adjustable resistors ... Each resistor serves as an edge in the network, and the nodes are the junctions where the resistors’ leads meet. To use the network, the researchers set voltages for certain input nodes, and read out the voltages of output nodes. By adjusting the resistors, the automated network learned to produce the desired outputs for a given set of inputs. ..."

Simple electrical circuit learns on its own—with no help from a computer | Science | AAAS System sidesteps computing bottleneck in tuning artificial intelligence algorithms

Does the next supercomputer look like this? 😉

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