Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Gap between number of men and women working in the construction industry globally remains high

Why are feminists and so called gender equality warriors are rarely ever  complaining about the persistent very high number of males working on construction sites all over the world compared to very few female workers?

Well, let dumb males do the dirty work, right! Let the finer things in life be reserved for women or so it may seem!

The reverse applies to female dominated industries like cosmetics/beauty. Why are feminists and gender equality advocates not asking for more inclusion of men to work in these industries?

It is a little known or overlooked fact that feminists and gender equality advocates care a lot about prestigious jobs like c-suite, boardrooms, professorships, research positions and the like, but little about menial jobs.

As usual politics is mostly about power, control, and money! Gender equality is no exception!

Men be aware! Men wake up fast! Your chivalry towards women is being abused! We are in the battle of the sexes!

P.S. This post's headline was inspired by Gap between number of men and women in science globally is slowly closing

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