Wednesday, April 01, 2015

EU Anti Trust Charges Against Google

Posted: 4/1/2015


A Long History of European Stupidity And Greed

Previously (in the 1990s and early 2000s), it was Microsoft, now it is Google! Do these European politicians ever learn anything?

In November 2014, the European Parliament passed a resolution to break up Google. How plain stupid is that!

Because, there are no European companies that seem to be capable of competing with Google (or back then with Microsoft), European politicians act like primitive tribesmen.

We read in the above article “Ms. Vestager [EU Commissar] met a month ago with Eric Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman. It was the first time she had met with a top Google executive since taking office on Nov. 1.” Why would any decent businessman meet with politicians under such circumstances?

Is this just another attempt by politicians to extort beaucoup money from successful enterprises? Most likely!

Ms. Vestager (a social democrat from Denmark, her Wikipedia article describes her as unaccomplished and undistinguished) is the EU Commissar for competition. Perhaps, she should try to improve competition in the EU instead of bullying selected companies!

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