Friday, April 10, 2015

Global Warming Is Such A Waste Of Time, Effort, And Money

Posted: 4/10/2015


Perhaps, the most salient quote from this article:
““The Kola fireball was spotted on April 19, 2014, as it lit up the night sky above the Kola Peninsula near the Finnish-Russian border. Its orbit is "disturbingly similar" to the asteroid 2014 UR116, slated to pass by the moon in 2017, the study authors said.”)”

We Are Living In A Dangerous World

Humans face much larger threats than a possible forecasted global average warming of a few degrees centigrade by the end of the century (not in any order):
  1. Undetected or late detected asteroids
  2. Super volcano eruptions
  3. Nuclear war
  4. Biological weapons

I am sure, I am forgetting something ...

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