Monday, April 20, 2015

Missing Oil From The BP Oil Spill Baloney

Posted: 4/20/15


In recent times I have seen other, similar articles. Do those articles just coincide with the 5th anniversary and somebody had to cook up something to remind people how bad oil exploration and production is?

On the other hand, the Smithsonian Magazine had one of the best articles so far on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of this accident here titled “Five Things The Gulf Oil Spill Has Taught Us About the Ocean
While researching the spill, scientists tracked deep-sea sharks, found new mud dragons, and discovered a type of ocean current”. Some of this research was paid for by BP in the aftermath of the spill.

The Facts Please

Nobody knows exactly how many millions of gallons of crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. Thus, to pretend that there was a significant quantity of oil unaccounted for is highly disingenuous.

The world did not come to a crushing end because of this spill. There was no lasting or permanent damage to flora or fauna or humans. Too bad, but environmentalists try again and again to proselytize the rest of us otherwise with baloney and phony information.

A Bit Of Offshore Oil Rig Statistics

IHS Petrodata publishes weekly counts of offshore oil rig data here.

There are currently 860 offshore oil rigs in operation as I presume. This count was probably not much lower 5 years ago. Thus, how often do major oil spills related to offshore oil rigs occur? This are apparently rare, isolated events.

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