Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Why Do Young People Become Cannon Fodder?

Posted: 9/10/2014  Updated: 9/11/2014


We are learning that young people from many Western countries (e.g. Great Britain, Germany, Australia, France) volunteer by the hundreds or even thousands to be active members of extremely violent, fanatic, militant, extremist organisations like ISIS etc.

Modern Sirens

We also have learnt that these extremists use highly sophisticated propaganda and recruiting tools, which were apparently honed over the years, by employing the latest technologies to entice young people to join them.

To Become Cannon Fodder

Don’t these young people realize they are being abused! Don’t they realize they are not much more than cannon fodder (or in German language verheitzt)!

What tempts young people to engage in such nonsensical mass violence? What is their reward? Have these young people such a propensity to live and die by violence?

Why do we still do not know how to prevent or help such young people from doing it?

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