Thursday, September 18, 2014

Notes On Bartolomé De Las Casas

Posted: 9/18/2014


Recently read “Gewalt und theologische Tradition im Islam/Töten im Namen Allahs” (German language) by Martin Rhonheimer. One way the author contrasted Christianity and Islam was that he claimed Islam lacks clerics like Bartolome De Las Casas (1474 to 1566) who advocated equality between Christians and pagans. Perhaps, I unjustly simplify his argument.

Here are the sources for this blog post:

The Import

I remember well that we were basically taught in high school that familiar narrative that the Catholic church together with the conquistadores together enslaved, subjugated, proselytized, and killed the natives of Latin America.

This man is perhaps one of many examples how important freedom of religion is. Every so often humans like him devoted to faith in God rattle our consciousness.

“Dominican missionary in the Americas, who was the first to expose the oppression of the Indian by the European and to call for the abolition of Indian slavery. ” (Source5; emphasis added)

“After he was made Dominican Vicar of Guatemala, he attended the Mexican Ecclesiastical Conference of 1536 ... to draw up petitions on behalf of the Indians to be forwarded to Pope Paul III.  Out of these innovative ideas came the landmark papal bull, Sublimis Deus, often called the Magna Carta of Indians rights. This promulgation of 1537 proclaimed that the Indians were truly human and capable of receiving the faith and that they were not to be deprived of their liberty or property, even though they may be outside of the faith.” (Source4; emphasis added).

Unfortunately, I am running out of time to research further. But this is just stunning!

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