Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gas Chambers Of Treblinka Finally Uncovered!

Posted: 9/30/2014


Just viewed Treblinka: Hitler's Killing Machine. Please be aware that this video is not for the faint of heart! Images shown in this video can be disturbing.
However, it is very recommendable!

First, I thought, why should I watch such a documentary about a Nazi concentration camp almost 70 years after World War II ended, although Treblinka is one of the worst?
Second, what will be new that we did not know before?
Third, why would the Smithsonian Channel feature such a gory subject


  1. I have to admire the courageous, young female forensic archeologist, i.e. Caroline Sturdy Colls for her determination to shed light on this horrible chapter of human history
  2. There was apparently over 70 years no hard or physical evidence of gas chambers in Treblinka, because the Nazis thoroughly destroyed the camp, removed evidence, and planted new trees. Incredible, I did not know that!
  3. To disguise a gas chamber as a Jewish ritual bath with a David star over the entrance is extreme  perfidity!

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