Sunday, September 28, 2014

The First Lady Is Such A Naive Dumbo

Posted: 9/28/2014


Just read “Why Michelle Obama Was Wrong to Trash America at the UN” about Ms. Michelle Obama’s speech at the U.N. this week. This is, of course, not the first time that the First Lady is making a fool of herself.

Contrast her speech, e.g. with a speech given by Laura Bush at the U.N.

What A Vanity

What makes this First Lady to speak to the U.N.? She was not elected.

I just pick one of her reported remarks: “We still struggle with … harmful cultural norms that tell women how they are expected to look and act.”

What about men?

  1. Don’t they have to serve in the military when they are drafted?
  2. Are they not expected to come to the aide, in particular, of a woman in distress?
  3. Why do men have to wear boring suits?
  4. Why can’t men not bare their legs and wear sandals when going to work in summer, if they wish to do so?
  5. Why are men expected to wear ties in certain jobs?
  6. And so on ...

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