Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Western Cowards And The Ukraine

Posted: 9/23/2014


Just read “Zum Frieden gezwungen Kiew gehen die Waffen aus” (translated: Forced to peace, Kiev runs out of weapons).

Cease Fire Through Weakness

I have wondered for some time why the Ukraine agreed to the recent cease fire that would mostly benefit Russia to regroup and strengthen its forces in the Ukraine.

If it is true what the Ukrainian president just announced that the Ukraine lost some 60-65% of its military hardware in the fighting against the Russian invasion and Western countries are unwilling to resupply the Ukraine, then the Western countries, in particular the USA, are cowards not to rearm the Ukraine.

These Are The Times That Try Men’s Souls

Perhaps the heads of Western leaders are in a fog about the Centenary of World War I. Nobody wants to start another World War, but Putin the Terrible has done a lot of mischief domestically and abroad. It is perhaps time to remind him of his limits.

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