Friday, September 20, 2024

Why Germany Should Preserve Its public Debt Brake and the US Should Adopt One

Recommendable! See also my today's chart of the day blog post!

Compare to e.g. the Eurozone debt threshold of 60% of GDP. Beyond 60% was considered fiscally imprudent and risky! Of course, the Eurozone debt threshold was ignored by the many, ever so crafty, big spending politicians.

Yes, debt and debt financing limits are long overdue to constrain the always profligate spending culture of the U.S. Congress!

"... By 2019, Germany’s debt-to-GDP ratio had dropped to a manageable 60 percent, a significant improvement from the heights reached during the global financial crisis [ended 2009]. ... 

Meanwhile, the United States faces a ballooning debt crisis, with public debt just shy of 100 percent of GDP at $28 trillion ($35 trillion if you add in debts owed primarily to Medicare and Social Security) and projected to rise sharply in the decades ahead. ..."

Why Germany Should Preserve Its Debt Brake and the US Should Adopt One | Cato at Liberty Blog

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