Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What Enables Herpes Simplex Virus To Become Impervious to Drugs?

Good news! Just look at the beautiful 3D virus representation at the bottom.

"At a glance:
  • New research explains how herpes simplex virus can develop resistance to antiviral medicines.
  • Study shows that movements in specific parts of a protein that enable viral replication can alter susceptibility to drugs.
  • The findings answer long-standing questions about viral drug resistance and can inform new approaches to designing more effective therapies.
Using a sophisticated imaging technique called cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM), the researchers found that how parts of a protein responsible for viral replication move into different positions can alter the virus’s susceptibility to medicines. ...

Instead, the investigators discovered that protein mutations linked to drug resistance often arise far from the drug’s target location. These mutations involve alterations that change the movements of a viral protein, or enzyme, that allows the virus to replicate itself. This raises the possibility that using drugs to block or freeze the conformational changes of these viral proteins could be a successful strategy for overcoming drug resistance. ...

Conformational dynamics — the ability of different parts of a protein to move — allow them to efficiently administer many essential functions with a limited number of ingredients. A better understanding of polymerase conformational dynamics is the missing link between structures and functions, including whether a protein responds to a drug and whether it could become resistant to it down the road. ...

First, using cryo-EM, they conducted structural analysis to get high-resolution visualizations of the atomic structures of HSV polymerase in multiple conformations, as well as when bound to the antiviral drugs acyclovir and foscarnet. The drug-bound structures revealed how the two drugs selectively bind polymerases that more readily adopt one conformation versus another. One of the drugs, foscarnet, works by trapping the fingers of the DNA polymerase so that they are stuck in a so-called closed configuration.

Further, structural analysis paired with computational simulations suggested that several mutations that are distant from the sites of drug binding confer antiviral resistance by altering the position of the polymerase fingers responsible for closing onto the drug to halt DNA replication.

The finding was an unexpected twist. Up until now, scientists have believed that polymerases closed partially only when they attached to DNA and closed fully only when they added a DNA building block, a deoxynucleotide. It turns out, however, that HSV polymerase can fully close just by being near DNA. This makes it easier for acyclovir and foscarnet to latch on and stop the polymerase from working, thus halting viral replication. ..."

From the highlights and abstract:
• Cryo-EM structures reveal how HSV polymerase interacts with DNA and antivirals
• Polymerase is in multiple conformations when not bound to nucleotide or antiviral
• Antiviral resistance mutations alter polymerase conformational dynamics
DNA polymerases are important drug targets, and many structural studies have captured them in distinct conformations. However, a detailed understanding of the impact of polymerase conformational dynamics on drug resistance is lacking. We determined cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of DNA-bound herpes simplex virus polymerase holoenzyme in multiple conformations and interacting with antivirals in clinical use. These structures reveal how the catalytic subunit Pol and the processivity factor UL42 bind DNA to promote processive DNA synthesis. Unexpectedly, in the absence of an incoming nucleotide, we observed Pol in multiple conformations with the closed state sampled by the fingers domain. Drug-bound structures reveal how antivirals may selectively bind enzymes that more readily adopt the closed conformation. Molecular dynamics simulations and the cryo-EM structure of a drug-resistant mutant indicate that some resistance mutations modulate conformational dynamics rather than directly impacting drug binding, thus clarifying mechanisms that drive drug selectivity."

What Enables Herpes Simplex Virus To Become Impervious to Drugs? | Harvard Medical School "Findings about how cold sore virus evades treatment offer broader clues on drug resistance"

Graphical abstract

A 3D representation of a herpes simplex virus enzyme involved in viral replication.

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