Monday, September 23, 2024

The immense failure of the Democratic Party to deal with the 46th President

It is so incredible this severe incompetence and ineptitude of this party! The whole world is aghast! 

Not to mention the shocking drift to the extreme left and ideology and the cowardice of many moderate elected party representatives! Tulsi Gabbard is a noteworthy exception.

The damage is enormous to the leader of the free world and American Exceptionalism [unless one thinks the 46th President was such an exception (pardon my facetiousness!)]! The U.S. has become a laughing stock! Meanwhile, the world has become a more dangerous place! What a disaster the term of this 46th President was!

I felt very sorry for e.g. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (a comedian in uniform, married to a screen writer, who became a credible war leader challenging Putin the Terrible)!

The Dimocratic Party was apparently totally unable or has not even seriously tried to find a solution together with the Republican Party on how to make the senile, demented, and corrupt 46th President voluntarily resign or impeach him for unfitness! What a colossal failure for the American citizens!

Who in the Dimocratic Party knew that their candidate for the 2020 presidential election was already unfit for office due to age? Why was their  candidate hidden in the basement?

P.S. Here is my blog about the legacy of the 46th President!

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