Sunday, September 22, 2024

Stanford University: Covert Racism in AI: How Language Models Are Reinforcing Outdated Stereotypes. Really!

I am so sick and tired of this often repeated propaganda and demagoguery of biased and racist language models! These are obvious attempts at censorship and taking control of AI by ideologists!

Of course, the output of LLMs is biased. What else do you expect! That is a given! These models are trained on huge public and private corpora like the Web etc. loaded with biases and racist content. Bias and racism is an unfortunate human condition mutually affecting all skin colors!

What does the author mean by "outdated stereotypes"? Is she not herself using some very strange stereotypes like "African American English" (AAE)?, whatever that is. Probably, if you ask any black American about whether he or she speaks AAE he/she would think you are a weirdo! 

The ivory tower of Stanford University and other racism obsessed elite universities! Ivory tower another one of those cliches or stereotypes with African connotation?

Caveat: I did not read the article.

"... But in a new study, Stanford researchers find that these models still surface extreme racist stereotypes dating from the pre-Civil Rights era. ..."

Covert Racism in AI: How Language Models Are Reinforcing Outdated Stereotypes "Despite advancements in AI, new research reveals that large language models continue to perpetuate harmful racial biases, particularly against speakers of African American English."

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