Thursday, September 26, 2024

Several hundreds of thousands of Non-citizen Voting Could Affect Outcome in These 7 Swing States

Mind boggling!

Add to this the enormously flawed and inaccurate voter rolls in many states. I recently blogged here, here about it.

Remember, in Arizona less than 12,000 votes determined the winner in the 2020 presidential elections.

"Noncitizens number in the hundreds of thousands in each of the seven most fiercely contested battleground states expected to decide the Nov. 5 presidential election, and research suggests more than 1 million of them could vote nationally if past voting patterns continue. ...

Of the seven battleground states, 
Georgia has the largest number of adult noncitizens at 787,588 ...

North Carolina follows with 726,079 noncitizens, ...

The third highest number of noncitizens in a battleground state is 
Arizona, with 611,717 ages 18 or older. ...

Pennsylvania has 516,123 voting-age noncitizens ...
Michigan has 271,138
Nevada is next with 258,736 and 
Wisconsin, with 129,600, has the smallest number of noncitizens among the seven swing states ..."

Noncitizen Voting Could Affect Outcome in These 7 Swing States

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