Monday, September 16, 2024

Compounding Crisis in the Darién Gap stretching across Panama and Colombia due to massive illegal immigration to the U.S.

There are a lot of negative consequences when the senile, demented and corrupt 46th President and his Vice President Mistress Kamala left the southern border of the U.S. wide open to massive illegal immigration.

Then there is this leftist President of Mexico, i.e. Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who apparently also did nothing to stop the flow of immigrants crossing Mexico.

"The dense rainforest of the Darién Gap has long been considered inaccessible, shielding Indigenous communities and the region’s rich biodiversity from outside impact. 

But the surge of migration through the region over the last five years has brought unprecedented pollution to the rainforest—threatening the local ecosystem and the health of people who depend on it, community leaders say.
“Suddenly we found ourselves flooded with trash. It’s worrying because we depend on our local ecosystem for everything. It’s our source of life,” said Yenairo Aji, a community leader in the village of Nueva Vigía. 
Not just trash: Critical waterways have become contaminated with human waste and gasoline—which could take decades to remediate."

"The Darién Gap’s isolation and formidable reputation has shielded the Indigenous communities who live there from the outside world for centuries. Spanish conquistadors died trying to settle in the sliver of dense, swampy rainforest connecting Colombia with Panama, and in recent decades only the most intrepid outsiders have undertaken the 60-mile (97km) trek as a test of their mettle. ..."

Global Health NOW: Missouri H5N1: More Questions Than Answers; Compounding Crisis in the Darién Gap; and The (Gorilla) Doctor Is In

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