Saturday, September 21, 2024

Attack by al-Qaeda linked group in Mali killed more than 70 people

Disgusting Islamist terrorism by monster killers again! A scourge of humanity!

"More than 70 people are thought to have been killed in an attack by an al-Qaeda-linked group on Mali’s capital Bamako earlier this week, according to diplomatic and security sources.

Hardline fighters from the Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wa al-Muslimeen (JNIM) carried out the attack on an elite police training academy and the nearby airport on Tuesday, prompting shock and anger in the West African country. ... and 255 injured in the attack. ...

The country is fighting an armed uprising that began more than a decade ago in its arid north. It has also spread to neighbouring countries in the Sahel region leaving thousands dead and forcing millions from their homes. ..."

Attack by al-Qaeda linked group in Mali killed more than 70 people | Al-Qaeda News | Al Jazeera

Credits: Machtdemonstration in Malis Hauptstadt: Terroristen töten in Bamako offenbar mehr als 70 Personen "Islamistische Terroristen in Mali und anderen Sahel-Staaten breiten sich weiter aus. Westliche Regierungen fürchten, dass sich der Terror der Küste nähert."

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