Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A brief guide to the greenhouse gases driving climate change. Really!

Terrible propaganda and demagoguery spread by MIT Technology Review!

In a desperate effort, the author lists every trace gas that there is in the atmosphere. However, he e.g. omits to mention counteracting processes, cycles etc.

The author e.g. tries to impress/shock the reader with double digit growth rates (e.g. "Nitrous oxide ...emissions grew roughly 40% from 1980 to 2020"). Laughable and a very old propaganda trick! Nitrous oxide in the athomosphere is measured 336.7 parts per billion (ppb) in 2023 compare that to 419.3 parts per million (ppm) for CO2.

A brief guide to the greenhouse gases driving climate change | MIT Technology Review "There’s more to global warming than just carbon dioxide."

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