Tuesday, September 10, 2024

46th President failed Africa: Will Liberia Be the Wagner Group’s Next Victim? by Michael Rubin

Recommendable! Most likely, the senile, demented and corrupt 46th President dropped the ball on Africa!

With fools like Anthony Blinken, Samantha Power and others no wonder!

"... While Biden’s team can claim credit for tamping down the Ethiopian civil war, it did so only at the expense of allowing Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to get away with genocide.  ...

The Biden team’s outreach to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia has likewise been a disaster. ...

Perhaps the greatest legacy of the Biden administration’s stewardship of Africa policy has been the advance of Russia across the Sahel. In February 2021, the five Sahel countries held a regional summit. French President Emmanuel Macron attended by video conference but remained live online for hours after his initial speech. Russian deputy foreign minister Mikhail Bogdanov spent days in Burkina Faso before the summit, cultivating leaders prior to the pro-Russia coup the following year. Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent prerecorded remarks, most of which appeared cut-and-pasted from previous administration officials. ...

Even after the leaders of Mali, and then Burkina Faso and Niger, fell to coups, the Biden administration showed a distinct lack of seriousness about the region. The Pentagon puts a defense attaché in Chad but gives no meaningful program budget. When Rwanda buffets the Central African Republic and considers doing likewise with Benin, Phee and USAID Administrator Samantha Power respond with gratuitous insults. ..."

Will Liberia Be the Wagner Group’s Next Victim? | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

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