Saturday, October 29, 2022

Government workers across Atlantic Canada receive 11.9% higher wages, on average, than comparable private-sector workers

How fair are wages and salaries of government employees compared to private sector employees? As far as Western countries are concerned, this is a good question and it is probably only infrequently researched.

Compensation of the many government employees is also a form of vote buying on all levels of government!

Theoretically, government has the power to pay their employees any wages and salaries irrespective of prevailing and comparable private sector compensation.

"... government-sector workers (federal, provincial, and local) in the Atlantic provinces enjoyed an 11.9% wage premium, on average, over their private-sector counterparts in 2021. When the wage difference between unionized and non-unionized workers is taken into account, the wage premium for the government sector declines to 7.2%. ..."

Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in Atlantic Canada, 2021 | Fraser Institute

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