Sunday, October 30, 2022

‘100 Schools in 10 Years’, Award-Winning Microschool Founder Shares Her Vision

Government run schools need more competition! Privatize the education of our children! Home schooling, online schooling, or microschools etc. Variety is the spice of life!

"... At the same time, Alleyne was also feeling dissatisfied in her job as a certified special education teacher and school counselor in a Florida public charter school. She saw kids being bullied by other students, as well as being yelled at by teachers. Dismayed but determined, Alleyne began plotting what would eventually become Kind Academy, an award-winning microschool, or small, mixed-aged, co-learning community, in Coral Springs, Florida.

Centered around kindness to oneself, others and the world, Kind Academy officially began in 2016 as a two-day a week, drop-off program for homeschoolers, including her son, that blended academics and nature-based learning.

In 2019, Alleyne helped another Florida microschool founder, Laurel Suarez, open Compass Outreach, the first brick-and-mortar microschool in Fort Lauderdale. Having a designated building enabled many more students to gain access to a microschool through the state’s school choice tax-credit scholarship programs.

Working with Suarez helped Alleyne to imagine what was possible for her fledgling microschool, and earlier this year she moved Kind Academy from a mostly nomadic program to a dedicated location that would also offer school choice scholarship eligibility. Today, Kind Academy serves 25 students in kindergarten through sixth grade, with four teachers in addition to Alleyne.

She’s only just getting started. “My dream is 100 schools in 10 years,” said Alleyne, who hopes to scale her microschool network nationwide. ..."

‘100 Schools in 10 Years’, Award-Winning Microschool Founder Shares Her Vision - Foundation for Economic Education Iman Alleyne is ready to tackle her big dream of building a sweeping Kind Academy microschool network.

Iman Alleyne of Kind Academy

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