Sunday, August 28, 2022

Human drivers in UK won’t be liable for accidents when vehicle is self-driving

This is Big, but old News! It came out last week, but I missed it somehow!

Brexit keeps on giving! When the soviet style Goliath EU will be ready, who knows! And for many years, the EU has been driven by an extreme form of precautionary principle!

This would be a very clear assignment of responsibility and liability! Bravo! However, the law has not been passed.  

Probably, car manufacturers will be more cautious and possibly slower in their roll out of new autonomous driving capable cars.

"Manufacturers operating self-driving vehicles in the U.K. will be liable for a vehicle’s actions when in autonomous mode, according to the country’s new roadmap to achieve a widespread rollout of self-driving vehicles by 2025.

The British government unveiled the roadmap over the weekend, announcing $119 million in funding for AV projects and an additional $41 million for research to support safety and new legislation. ...
This distinction could set a precedent globally, where liability in the case of autonomous vehicle accidents can still be somewhat of a gray area. ..."

Human drivers in UK won’t be liable for accidents when vehicle is self-driving | TechCrunch

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