Monday, August 29, 2022

Beware the emerging alliance between Russia and Iran

How close are we to a World War III? Too close for comfort! We are living in very dangerous times!

Especially, Western leaders should be extremely cautious to avoid any unnecessary escalation or misunderstanding.

Not least has an initially regional conflict evolved into e.g. World War I, because more and more alliances were triggered into action etc. World War II spread across continents and oceans before it ended.

"Beware the emerging Tehran-Moscow alliance: Russia has begun using Iranian-made drones in the Ukraine war and Iran has offered to share its financial networks to help Russia evade sanctions, according to Western intelligence officials.
For Russia, struggling to maintain momentum in Ukraine after six months of brutal conflict, the new Iranian assistance could be a game changer, the intelligence officials warn. ..."

Opinion | Iran helping Russia with drones and sanction evasion is bad news - The Washington Post

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