Wednesday, August 24, 2022

GOP congresswoman Tenney (NY) urges term limits for federal bureaucrats as Fauci announces retirement

Bravo U.S. Representative Claudia Tenney! Yes, perhaps all Members of the U.S. Congress and the employees of the federal government should be subjected to term limits not only the president!

With term limits, most likely the demented and senile 46th President would  not have happened!

""Maybe we need term limits on bureaucrats serving in government," Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.) said Tuesday in the wake of Dr. Anthony Fauci's recent announcement that he is retiring from the federal government after serving as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984."

GOP congresswoman urges term limits for federal bureaucrats as Fauci announces retirement | Just The News New York Republican lamented that new administrations often find themselvces faced with "civil servants who you can't fire" regardless of professional performance.

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