In honor of Thomas Paine and other Founders & Immigrants. In memory of my daddy Horst Bingel
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Pollak: Democrats Have Destroyed the Border Between Party and State
Mikhail Gorbachev R.I.P.: One of the great leaders of the late 20th century
Unfortunately, Russia is still run by a former KGB officer, the current dictator Putin the Terrible!
In the wake of the ongoing war of aggression against the Ukraine, will the Russian people remember "his policy of glasnost ("openness") allowed for enhanced freedom of speech and press, while his perestroika ("restructuring") sought to decentralize economic decision-making to improve its efficiency. His democratization measures and formation of the elected Congress of People's Deputies undermined the one-party state." (Source)
His courage to allow the former Soviet Union to dissolve without major violence or war will never be forgotten! Perhaps, him "born in [a small village] Privolnoye, Stavropol Krai, to a poor peasant family of Russian and Ukrainian heritage. Growing up under the rule of Joseph Stalin, in his youth, he operated combine harvesters on a collective farm before joining the Communist Party ..." (Source) gave him the strength and wisdom to go ahead with the reforms and the tremendous transformation.
Without him the concerted efforts of President Reagan, Prime Minister Thatcher, and the Pope John Paul II would have been in vain!
These are truly rare moments in history when such a meeting of great minds happens!
Google was not able to find a picture of Gorbachev, Reagan, and Thatcher together. Does it not exist?
U.S. life expectancy drops sharply, the second consecutive annual decline. Really!
Amazon new 20B-parameter Alexa model sets new marks in few-shot learning
he gains in translating to and from low-resource languages like Marathi, Tamil, and Telugu are particularly significant ..."
How Miami ‘Caught a Wave’ and Became the Hot New Tech Hub
Here, you have a migration of $2 trillion”—the assets under management of firms that have moved to Miami since the start of the pandemic. Citadel, one of the largest U.S. hedge funds, recently announced that it’s moving here from Chicago. ...
The city leads the nation in tech-job growth and migration and is among the top 10 U.S. cities for venture-capital investment. CrunchBase news reports that Miami-based companies raised $2.6 billion in capital in 2021, a more than 20-fold increase from $128 million in 2018. ...
Those same states stuck to oppressive Covid-19 mandates, softened their crime policies, and pushed woke indoctrination in schools. Gov. Ron DeSantis went in the opposite direction, defying what he called the “woke mob,” reopening quickly, and declaring Florida “the freest state in these United States.” ...
The 15 months between April 2020 and June 2021 saw a net migration of nearly 300,000 people to Florida, more than any other state. Among those earning more than $200,000 a year, four times as many people moved to Florida as to New York in 2019 and 2020. Florida led the country in income migration, gaining more than $20 billion in net income from 2019 to 2020, while California and New York each lost almost as much. ..."
A Sense of Place in the brain
Collagen a key player in breast cancer metastasis
The research also suggests that measuring the level of collagen XII in a patient’s tumour biopsy could potentially be used as an additional screening tool to identify aggressive breast cancers with higher rates of metastasis, such as in the triple-negative type of breast cancer. Furthermore, collagen XII might be a possible target for future treatments. ...
How much does it cost to replace the old or defective battery of an electric car? A lot
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Chinese citizens demand "liberty" from Zero Covid
Tucker Carlson: Government bans on gas fueled vehicles is an attack on your autonomy
Internal Clock Disruptions Increase Colon Cancer Risk in Mice
Indeed, previous research found that nurses working night shifts have higher rates of breast cancer, so Masri and her colleagues hypothesized that keeping odd hours could also play a role in colorectal cancer. ...
Wave-riding generators promise the cheapest clean energy ever. Really!
We've got a 1 in 6 chance of a mega-volcano erupting this century
Genetic clues to age-related macular degeneration revealed
Rolling Stone magazine: Trump Bragged He Had ‘Intelligence’ on Macron’s Sex Life. Really!
Australiens Verteidigungsminister Marles: Antrag einer Partnerschaft mit Deutschland
Deutschland und Australien sind wichtige Partner und pflegen eine tiefe Freundschaft und teilen ähnliche Werte. Unsere liberalen Demokratien sind einer Weltordnung verpflichtet, in der alle Staaten sich an internationale Regeln und Grundsätze halten. Wir arbeiten gemeinsam für Multilateralismus, Menschenrechte und freien Handel sowie für die Stärke und Stabilität unserer Regionen. Angesichts der größten strategischen Spannungen der letzten Jahrzehnte sind unsere bilateralen Beziehungen heute wichtiger denn je. ...
Gemeinsam müssen wir die Souveränität aller Staaten schützen. Rechtsstaatlichkeit, nicht rohe Gewalt muss die Grundlage des zwischenstaatlichen Handelns sein. ...
Dass Russland Deutschland mit dem Stopp von Energielieferungen zu erpressen versucht, zeigt eindeutig: Gegenseitige wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten allein können Konflikte nicht verhindern. ...
Die Spannungen nehmen zu, ebenso die staatlich gelenkte Provokation. Die Akteure lassen die Grenzen zwischen Konflikt und Frieden verschwimmen, Gewalt und Zwang werden zur Durchsetzung territorialer Ansprüche eingesetzt. ...
Unsere Verteidigungs- und Sicherheitspartnerschaft mit Deutschland hat für Australien einen hohen Wert, etwa der Besuch der Fregatte Bayern im Indopazifik im letzten Jahr oder die aktuelle Teilnahme der Luftwaffe an Pitch Black. Im September dürfen wir deutsche Streitkräfte bei unserer Marineübung Kakadu begrüßen, und wir haben Deutschland auch zur Übung Talisman Sabre 2023 eingeladen. ..."
India's top court: Queer relationships too constitute a family
Fed up with homelessness, San Francisco Castro District merchants threaten to withhold city taxes
Monday, August 29, 2022
India hits back at China's Envoy to Sri Lanka
Xi Jinping criticized by Communist Party "Elders"
Beware the emerging alliance between Russia and Iran
Advancing conservation with AI-based facial recognition of turtles
Will the American Experiment and Exceptionalism survive?
Given the recent and unprecedented government raid on the private residence of a former president and potential contender of the current (demented and senile) president in 2024 for no good reason, the question becomes more urgent and very relevant!
This outrageous scandal plus the endless previous and vicious unlawful attacks on President Trump by an unaccountable deep state affiliated with the Dimocratic Party have created a very serious situation. Apparently, the leadership of the Dimocratic Party is unwilling or unable to take appropriate action to restore the tenets of the U.S. Constitution and to uphold law and order to hold the perpetrators accountable!
Add to that, too many Americans have become dependent on the sweet poison of government handouts instead of private and volunteer initiatives!
There is talk about secession, civil war and the like! We the people of this great historical experiment have to come together!
Tesla wants to develop an in house machine learning silicon supercomputing system from scratch
Battery made of aluminum, sulfur and salt proves fast, safe and low-cost
After a search and some trial and error, they settled on aluminum for one electrode and sulfur for the other, topped off with an electrolyte of molten chloro-aluminate salt. ...
They can not only operate at high temperatures of up to 200 °C (392 °F) but they actually work better when hotter – at 110 °C (230 °F), the batteries charged 25 times faster than they did at 25 °C (77 °F). Importantly, the researchers say the battery doesn’t need any external energy to reach this elevated temperature – its usual cycle of charging and discharging is enough to keep it that warm. ..."
Taiwan: Two US warships sail through strait since Pelosi's visit. Irresponsible!
Israel's five main desalination plants are now in private hands
Nearly 100 Republican Members of Congress urge Pelosi to hold Biden accountable for student loan plan
Die CDU vor ihrem Bundesparteitag in Hannover - Quoten für Frauen und kein Arbeitskreis für Katholiken
Zwischen Anmaßung und Selbsthass - Der Westen droht zu scheitern
Der Angriff der russischen Armee auf die Ukraine war nur möglich, weil man die von Putin stets offen zur Schau gestellte Aufrüstung nicht als Bedrohungsszenario einstufte. Das gilt besonders für Deutschland. Selbst die Überfälle Russlands auf seine Nachbarstaaten hinderten deutsche Politiker nicht, weiterhin an der Mär Wandel durch Handel festzuhalten und die Abhängigkeit in besonders vulnerablen Sektoren voranzutreiben. ...
Ähnlich wie bei den Beziehungen zur Russischen Föderation setzt man seit Jahrzehnten auf die Hoffnung, dass Menschen zu Demokraten werden, wenn man das richtige Angebot macht und es monetär attraktiv ausgestaltet. In Afghanistan ist diese Strategie nach 20 Jahren ebenso krachend gescheitert wie beim politischen Islam westlicher Prägung, ohne dass dies zu tieferen Einsichten geführt hätte. ...
Gerade für die westliche Linke ist ein tief verwurzelter Antiamerikanismus konstitutiv. ... Zum anderen stand hinter der Feindschaft gegen die USA eine ideologisierte Einäugigkeit, die bemerkenswert ist. ...
schwiegen sie über Millionen von Gefolterten und Ermordeten in kommunistischen Ländern. Während sie die Freiheitsrechte des Westens bei antiwestlichen Demonstrationen und Versammlungen in Anspruch nahmen, erwähnten sie mit keinem Wort, dass jede Form der Opposition in China, der Sowjetunion oder in Kuba mit äußerster Repression unterbunden wurde. ...
Bis auf den heutigen Tag wird der Westen von der Mehrheit der Linken bis hinein in konservative Kreise für Armut, Kriege, Umweltkatastrophen und andere Übel dieser Welt verantwortlich gemacht. An europäischen, amerikanischen und australischen Universitäten konstruieren sogenannte postkoloniale Theoretiker den Westen als Reich eines postreligiösen Antichristen, der die Welt in einen Zustand der Verdammnis gebracht hat. Dabei geht es längst nicht mehr nur um den Westen als politisches und ökonomisches System, sondern auch um Menschen weißer Hautfarbe. Ein neuer Rassismus formiert sich, und er richtet sich – historisch ein absolutes Novum – gegen die eigene Bevölkerung. ...
Da die Anerkennung eines Opferstatus in der Regel mit finanziellen Zuwendungen belohnt wird und ein lukratives Geschäftsmodell darstellt, lässt sich gegenwärtig eine Multiplizierung von selbst ernannten Opfergruppen beobachten. ...
Auf der Gegenseite wurde der heterosexuelle alte weiße Mann zur ultimativen Hassfigur. Die Folgen sind alles andere als trivial. Die Idee der Gleichheit aller Bürger weicht einem identitätspolitischen Furor, der Menschen nach äußerlichen Merkmalen, sexuellen Gewohnheiten und, sofern es Muslime betrifft, auch nach Religionszugehörigkeit gliedert. ...
Mit verordneten Sprachregelungen möchte man die Bevölkerung zur Anerkennung der neu geschaffenen Realitäten nötigen und setzt damit implizit an das alte kommunistische Ideal der Erschaffung eines neuen Menschen an, der in der Diktatur des Proletariats geschmiedet werden sollte.
Auch die Meinungs-, Presse-, Kunst- und Wissenschaftsfreiheit geraten unter Druck. Verboten werden soll alles, was Lobbygruppenvertreter als verletzend empfinden könnten ...
Wenn der Westen in diesen Herausforderungen bestehen will, muss er sich auf seine Grundlagen besinnen. Es gibt weder einen Grund für Überheblichkeit noch für Selbsthass. Beides behindert die realistische Überprüfung eigener Stärken und Schwächen, die notwendig ist, um aus Fehlern zu lernen und die Zukunft des Westens zu sichern. Eines sollte dabei gewiss sein: Wer die Freiheit im Innern nicht achtet, hat nach außen nichts zu verteidigen. ..."
Texas Blacklists BlackRock, UBS and Other Financial Firms Over Alleged Energy Boycotts
Inside the laboratory growing sausages from animal cells
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Scientists develop AC that uses solid refrigerants and doesn’t hurt the environment
Human drivers in UK won’t be liable for accidents when vehicle is self-driving
This distinction could set a precedent globally, where liability in the case of autonomous vehicle accidents can still be somewhat of a gray area. ..."
Annual US drug survey finds use of psychedelics at a record high
The Monitoring The Future (MTF) study began in 1975, initially surveying drug-use habits in a single class of senior high school students. Over the next few years the survey expanded to include younger school students, while annually following up with all prior participants. ...
On the other hand, marijuana use has unsurprisingly dramatically increased over the past decade, with 42.6% of young adults reporting using the drug at some point over the past 12 months, up from 28.6% in 2012. ..."
The Energetic Cost of Chewing May Have Shaped Hominin Evolution
Estimates for how long humans have been cooking range from 500,000 to 2 million years ago ... Our ability to draw out excess calories from meats and starchy foods via heat and tool use “changed the entire energetics of modern humans. And basically, you could say it’s allowed the formation of a very large brain.” In this way, the metabolics of chewing is still “one of the fundamental questions of evolution,” ...
Based on a back-of-the-envelope calculation of how much time chimpanzees spend chewing, our early hominid ancestors may have been chewing for five or six hours a day, he says, which may have cost them up to 5 percent of the energy they consumed. It’s possible that this drove the evolution of the form or muscle architecture of the jaw, or changes in tooth morphology ..."
Riesiger Gasfund vor Zypern weckt Hoffnungen für Alternative zu Russland
Die Regierung in Nikosia hat im Meeresgebiet südlich der Insel 13 Gebiete zur Erkundung vorgesehen. In Block 6 waren der französische Energiekonzern Total und die italienische Eni schon 2018 auf Gas gestoßen. Eine neue Bohrung hat sie jetzt überrascht. Das Resultat der Cronos-1-Bohrung in 2287 Metern Tiefe sei „signifikant“. Nach ersten Schätzungen lagerten dort 2,5 Billionen Kubikfuß Gas. Das sind umgerechnet 70 Milliarden Kubikmeter – beinahe genug, um Deutschland ein Jahr lang zu versorgen. ...
Womöglich liegt im Cronos-Feld, 160 Kilometer südlich der Küste in Block 6, noch mehr Gas. ..."
Top Programming Languages 2022
When will China’s population peak or has it peaked?
Last year, China’s total population increased by only 480,000 people, to just more than 1.41 billion, with a natural growth rate — the difference between the numbers of births and deaths — of close to zero. The country’s birth rate declined for the fifth consecutive year to 7.5 births per thousand people, and only 10 million babies were born in 2021, the lowest since 1949."
AI Could Make Air Conditioners 10x Better
By using AI to generate a radically new heat-exchanger design that can then be printed with a 3D metal printer, Hyperganic says it is developing a residential A/C unit that is 10 times as efficient as conventional air conditioners, while costing the same amount of money to buy and operate for a year. [Remark: Costs the same to operate???] ...
Hyperganic’s AI-based design platform allows engineers to make heat exchangers with radically different structures, using elements inspired by the intricate designs found in nature, like corals, ... By increasing the surface area and optimizing air flow, these designs boost the component’s energy efficiency. “We take knowledge from engineering about how to build a heat exchanger, but now you can do it automatically,” ... “You can create, test, and iterate faster.” ..."
Researchers Fuse Mouse Chromosomes in Scientific First
Chromosomal fusions are also common in cancer and have been linked to health issues, including infertility, aneuploidy, and childhood diseases. So, researchers have long sought the ability to precisely manipulate chromosomes in model organisms, especially mammalian ones, in the hopes of investigating fusions from both medical and evolutionary perspectives. ...
To fuse chromosomes in mice, the researchers used a technology they first developed in yeast: briefly, they injected modified haploid mouse embryonic stem cells friend (haESCs) with a CRISPR-Cas9 system that targets and eliminates telomeres and centromeres on two specific chromosomes. As a result, the targeted chromosomes zipped themselves together. ..."
Antytila: Ukrainian rock band on the frontline of war
What is the Ukrainian rock band turned into soldiers singing now: We will rock you Putin the Terrible! One of the musicians was saying that blood is the most terrible smell that he knows and he is now a medic in the Ukrainian army.
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Poland: People line up at coal mine, fearful of winter shortages because of Russia
On the Trump raid affidavit
- Judge Reinhardt should reject this Affidavit as it is too much redacted and ask for a new one with less redactions! We do not know the content of the redactions, but based on the unredacted parts Judge Reinhardt should have dismissed this search warrant!
- The unnamed FBI agent, in whose name this Affidavit is signed, comes across as another Peter Strzok or Lisa Page. Perhaps, he or she is even from the same FBI unit!
- The former President Trump is treated as a serious criminal in this affidavit. It is shocking! No respect, nothing! You find language like "Based upon the following facts, there is probable cause to believe that the locations to be searched at the PREMISES contain evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 793(e), 1519,or 2071."
- The whole Affidavit is about 15 boxes of government documents that the former president returned to the United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) on 1/18/2022. However, the FBI insinuates or speculates there must be more, because e.g. CBS news reported moving trucks on January 18th, 2021 at the residence of the former president. This is really laughable!
- There are reports that the United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is also a hotbed of employees with Trump Derangement Syndrome! It was NARA, which referred this case to the FBI.
- The unredacted parts of the Affidavit contain no explanation whatsoever as to why the search was necessary and urgent at this time. It is totally mute about this! It does also not list or mention any other efforts to resolve the issue without a search warrant!
- The Affidavit actually confirms that Trump cooperated regarding document requests: "On February 18, 2022, the Archivist of the United States, chief administrator for NARA, stated in a letter to Congress's Committee on Oversight and Reform Chairwoman The Honorable Carolyn B. Maloney, "NARA had ongoing communications with the representatives of former President Trump throughout 2021, which resulted in the transfer of 15 boxes to NARA in January 2022"
- The Affidavit also curiously quotes an article by Breitbart, because according to this article Kash Patel claimed the president had declassified some documents. You got to be kidding!
- Who in the U.S. government has the ultimate constitutional authority to classify or declassify documents? Perhaps, it is none other than the president. If so, then by taking these documents to his residence he implicitly declassified them.
- We also know that the FBI and/or other government agencies e.g. lied to the FISA Court to obtain warrants against Trump or his associates. I believe, nobody was yet sanctioned for this grievous offense! Who can assure us that it is different this time? This Affidavit is not reassuring!
- Who can rule out that perhaps highly classified documents were intentionally planted with the documents that Trump retained after office or planted while the raid was going on etc.
- The whole Affidavit smells a lot like trumped up charges (pardon my pun)!