Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Singapore to open embassy in Israel after 57 years of ties, in sign of Abraham Accords' spillover effects

Why has this taken so long!

"... Israel and Singapore forged diplomatic ties in 1965 and have enjoyed friendly relations for decades. Israel sells Singapore defense equipment and has had an embassy in the country since 1968. ...
However, Singapore, mindful of its huge Muslim-majority neighbors, Malaysia and Indonesia, has sought to keep the ties out of the public eye. ...
The advent of the Abraham Accords normalizing ties between Israel and four Arab nations, brokered in 2020 by the Trump administration in its final months, has eased the stigma of open ties with Israel among nations sensitive to Muslim sensibilities. ..."

Singapore to open embassy in Israel after 57 years of ties, in sign of Abraham Accords' spillover effects - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

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