Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What’s Wrong with Reparations for Slavery

Recommendable! If we are talking about any reparations for slavery what about Arab/Muslims slave traders/slaveholders or African tribes who captured and delivered slaves to the slave traders and so on ... What about African slaveholders or slave traders in Africa and elsewhere ... What about slaves of different skin colors, slavery was multi ethnic and geographically widespread?

"... It turns out that if black Americans constituted their own country, they would have the 11th largest economy in the world. In addition to being a wealthy demographic group (richer than 90 percent of the people in the world), blacks in America have a longer life expectancy than African and Caribbean blacks, as well as whites in many parts of Eastern Europe and Latin America. Black Americans have higher rates of literacy and achieve more postsecondary degrees as a percentage of the population than blacks in Africa. Black Americans’ upward mobility from Reconstruction to the present is a testament to their creativity and ability to adapt. ..."

What’s Wrong with Reparations for Slavery - Foundation for Economic Education

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