Monday, July 27, 2020

Harvard University: ‘Antiracist Baby’ helps kids and adults learn

How the elite Harvard University wants to indoctrinate our children with the Cult of Racism! Incredible! So absurd!
Boycott Harvard University! When will donors to Harvard University finally come to their senses and take action!

"Antiracism scholar Ibram X. Kendi doesn’t believe it’s possible to be “not racist.” The award-winning author, director of Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research, and the 2020/2021 Frances B. Cashin Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study said during a recent TED interview that “the heartbeat of racism itself has always been denial, and the sound of that heartbeat has always been ‘I’m not racist.’"

‘Antiracist Baby’ helps kids and adults learn – Harvard Gazette Award-winning author Ibram X. Kendi discusses his latest book, ‘Antiracist Baby’

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