Thursday, July 23, 2020

Four Months of Unprecedented Government Malfeasance


" ... This panic was occasioned by epidemiological models predicting wildly unlikely fatalities from the coronavirus. ... Instead, governors and mayors started rolling out one emergency decree after another to terminate economic activity, seemingly heedless of the consequences. ... It was already clear when these crushing mandates started pouring forth that shutting down every corner of the country was a reckless overreaction. By mid-March, two weeks before the Imperial College model was published, Italian health data showed that the coronavirus was terribly lethal to a very small subset of the population—the elderly infirm—and a minor health problem to nearly everyone else who was not already severely ill. ... The public health establishment has been equally complicitous in creating this widespread ignorance. It has failed to stress at every opportunity that for the vast majority of the public, the coronavirus is at most an inconvenience. ... While the U.S. death toll from the coronavirus has been demographically circumscribed and lower than the previous flu pandemics of 1968, 1956, and 1918 when adjusted for population, the economic toll has cut across every sector of the country and every population group. Whole industries have seen their capital wiped out overnight. ..."

Four Months of Unprecedented Government Malfeasance - Imprimis

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