Sunday, July 26, 2020

5G switching gets a 2D boost

Good news! Take a peek at forthcoming 6G technology! 

"The device is configured in a metal-insulator-metal sandwich on a diamond substrate, and the UT team demonstrated that it can transmit multiple HDTV streams at a frequency of 100 GHz – something unheard-of in broadband switch technology ... It can also switch between states in nanoseconds, remain in the “off” state when not operating (so saving battery life), and transmit data well above the baseline for 5G-level speeds. ..."

"... Furthermore, the switches are 50 times more efficient than other non-volatile switches in terms of a d.c. energy-consumption metric, which is an important consideration for ubiquitous mobile systems. We also illustrate the potential of the hBN switches in a communication system with an 8.5 Gbit s–1 data transmission rate at 100 GHz with a low bit error rate under 10−10. ..."

5G switching gets a 2D boost – Physics World Two-dimensional sheets of [hexagonal] boron nitride can be used to create an analogue switch that gives communication devices more efficient access to radio, 5G and terahertz frequencies while increasing their battery life. 

Here is the link to the Nature paper: Analogue switches made from boron nitride monolayers for application in 5G and terahertz communication systems

Here is the corresponding blog post: Atomic RF and 5G Switches A single atomically-thin layer of hexagonal boron nitride shows that thinner is better with regards to radio-frequency switching applications

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