Thursday, November 21, 2013

Presidential Medals Of Freedom For U.S. Presidents?

President Clinton Receives Medal Of Freedom From President Obama

Was that not a photogenic picture gracing the news this week (11/20/2013)?

Medal of Freedom for Oprah Winfrey as well who just accused critics of President Obama of being racists without using the word racists of course? And she just had that racist moment on a visit to Switzerland.

A Bit Of History

Including the history of the predecessor Medal Of Freedom by President Truman created in 1946-1961 and was then replaced by today’s Presidential Medal Of Freedom since 1963.

The predecessor medal was apparently never awarded to former U.S. Presidents.

Since the successor medal was introduced in 1963, eight former U.S. Presidents received this medal (source).

Presidents J. F. Kennedy and L. B Johnson received them posthumously.

President Reagan (R) received it from President G. H. W. Bush (R)  in 1993. Why did Reagan not decline it?

President Ford (R) received it from President Clinton (D) in 1999. That is a surprise.

President Carter (D) received it from President Clinton (D) in 1999.

President G. H. W. Bush  received it from President Obama (D) in 2011. That is a surprise.

What Have U.S. Presidents Actually Done Lately To Promote Freedom?

At least since President Theodore Roosevelt almost all U.S. Presidents since him and including him have severely curtailed individual freedom since the beginning of the 20th century. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is one of the worst offenders. More recently, we have to add the so eloquent and brilliant President Obama to this list.

Will former President Obama receive this award as well in the future? We hope not, it would be a travesty!

There Remains An Uneasy Feeling

Should U.S. Presidents decorate other U.S. Presidents with this medal? When will U.S. Presidents kindly decline such honors?

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