Thursday, November 21, 2013

Non Profit Organization Oxymoron

Who Believes That Not For Profit Organizations Make No Profit?

What about non-profits that sell products or services in the market?

Of course, they do it is just not called profits and there is no ownership similar to for profit organizations.

If a non-profit organization would consistently not be able to pay bills or pay their employees it would have to cease its business like commercial enterprises.

Competitive And Well Paid Employees

Are there not some non-profit organizations that do very well financially and successfully sell their products or services in the market (e.g. some hospitals)?

Are they not competitive and pay their staff well or at least commensurate with competing commercial enterprises?

Tax Exempt Status

I am not a tax expert so I might be wrong here. If products and services are sold in the market by non-profit organizations, then it is worth considering whether these should be taxed like any other enterprise.

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