Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mandate Of Gender Quotas In Europe And Germany Is Coming

It was all over the news again. European Parliament and Germany wants to impose a gender quota on corporate boards. I have blogged about this authoritarian nonsense before here and here.

To my great surprise even the Swiss seem to be going in this direction. What is this island in the middle of the European Union to do, but to follow?

On The Occasion We Learn About The Father Of Gender Quotas

Just read this article titled “Ansgar Gabrielsen/Der Vater der Frauenquote kommt aus Norwegen” (German language) from a leading German, conservative newspaper.

His name: Ansgar Gabrielsen. Member of the Conservative Party of Norway. “While Minister of Trade and Industry [2001-04], Gabrielsen was first criticized for his suggestion about a law that requires 40% of the board members in Norwegian companies to be female. The law was passed with the blessing of the socialist parties, but his own party opposed it.” The government of the time was a conservative one.

From the German article above we learn:
  1. Minister Gabrielsen acted largely by himself when he published the gender quota issue and he was particularly zealous in pushing it
  2. His only argument for this radical solution was that he believes that groups with a balanced mix of gender makes better decisions and because women are a minority on corporate boards

I am afraid this is not sufficient justification to use government coercion to expedite something by mandate that would happen over time anyway and to violate individual liberty and property etc. There are many less drastic alternatives to promote the issue of more women in leading business positions.

If politicians want to have a gender quote they should apply it only to themselves and perhaps public service!

Norway has a bit of history. Just think of Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland her cabinet with lots of female ministers.

Men Are Stupid And Guilty

This applies in particular to those men who for vote for this gender quote nonsense! This all about power! Power of government over individuals and free markets. And ultimately of power of women over men!

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