Saturday, November 16, 2013

Holodomor After 80 Years

Stalin’s Holocaust

What did we learn in school about it? How much do we know about the Holocaust?

Stalin won World War II. Was Stalin too powerful to be indicted at the Nuremberg Trials?

If you are interested in Stalin’s background before he became Stalin see my blog post here.

New Holodomor Movie And YouTube Documentary

Here is the YouTube documentary:

A View Brief Observations

I will not go here into any gory details of this genocide.

1) Role of Journalists

There were journalists who reported the truth and others who flatly denied it, e.g. Malcolm Muggeridge and Walter Duranty. Latter journalist has been considered a fellow traveler of Stalin.

The other, early reporter on the Holodomor was Gareth Jones. “In November 2008, Jones and fellow Holodomor journalist Malcolm Muggeridge were posthumously awarded the Ukrainian Order of Merit at a ceremony in Westminster Central Hall, ... on behalf of the President of Ukraine in reward for their exceptional services to the country and its people.” Here is a BBC piece and documentary on Gareth Jones. He appears to be quite an unusual journalist who was killed at the young age of 29 in Japanese occupied Manchuria. BBC reports “However our investigations have shown that the Chinese contact who loaned Jones and Muller [a German journalist travelling with Jones] a car to travel to Mongolia was definitely an NKVD agent [predecessor of KGB], and there's strong evidence to suggest that Muller might also have been.”

2) Appeasement And Looking The Other Way By The West

Despite the Great Depression could the West have done more to help the starving population or condemn Stalin?

3) Totalitarian Regime And Cover-Up

According to what I remember from the above mentioned YouTube documentary, Stalin’s regime managed to successfully deny the famine and cover up any suspicion of a famine by even selling extra large amounts of grain on the London commodity exchange.

Because the Soviet Union and China were closed, totalitarian dictatorships we know so little about the horrendous atrocities committed by Stalin or Mao.

4) Butcher Of The Ukraine

Not only Hitler had his henchmen, so did Stalin. One of them was little known Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich.
He died in 1991 at 97 in Moscow. He was never indicted.

5) Like The Holocaust, There Are Ardent Deniers

Except that these deniers appear to be lesser known and they are leftists. How come?

“An example of a late-era Holodomor objector is Canadian trade union activist and journalist Douglas Tottle, author of Fraud, Famine and Fascism: The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard[99] (published by Moscow-based Communist publisher Progress Publishers in 1987). ” (source)

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