Thursday, September 26, 2024

Yale climate summit opens in New York: Hard realities, real opportunities with John Kerry (age 80). Really!

Simply ludicrous! What could go wrong?

Keep in mind: Global Warming is a hoax and Climate Change is a religion! It is being used as a pretext by Big Government and the elite to interfere with our lives. It is among the greatest scams and scandals of the last 30 years!

When an elite university like Yale can not resist or can not find somebody more qualified to invite then a super dumbo like former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry, then I would ask for a refund of my tuition!

God help us cope with gerontocracy!

Yale climate summit opens in New York: Hard realities, real opportunities | YaleNews "The four-day Yale @ Climate Week NYC summit underscores the university’s campus-wide commitment to addressing the climate crisis."

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