Wednesday, September 18, 2024

There are more than 120 AI bills in the U.S. Congress right now. Really!

Sounds insane! Keep the do gooders and busy bodies away from AI!

There is an enormous risk that overregulation and excessive fears/expectations etc. will cripple the development of machine learning & AI.

"More than 120 bills related to regulating artificial intelligence are currently floating around the US Congress.

They’re pretty varied. One aims to improve knowledge of AI in public schools, while another is pushing for model developers to disclose what copyrighted material they use in their training.  Three deal with mitigating AI robocalls, while two address biological risks from AI. There’s even a bill that prohibits AI from launching a nuke on its own. ..."

There are more than 120 AI bills in Congress right now | MIT Technology Review

Artificial Intelligence Legislation Tracker (Caution: The Brennan Center for Justice is a left wing organisation)

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