Friday, September 20, 2024

The Art of Seeing Science: Interactive Tools Visualize Climate Models. Really!

How is this supposed to work? Climate models are junk!

Climate is a highly complex natural phenomenon. We still know fairly little about it! Maybe with machine learning & AI we will soon have better climate models, but until then ...

We can not even predict weather accurately beyond 48 hour or even less! Then there is the poor backcasting performance of climate models etc.

These models were used to predict climate for the next 100 years or so. Laughable!

"... At the end of the program, the team presented prototypes for interactive tools—named CliMAScope and CLOVE—which enable researchers to gain new scientific insights from their data while also serving as a springboard for artistic inquiry. ..."

The Art of Seeing Science: Interactive Tools Visualize Climate Models -

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