Friday, September 20, 2024

Secretary of State Blinken calls for restraint in Lebanon after Israeli attacks on Hezbollah. Really!

Has this fool of the administration of the senile, demented and corrupt 46th President accomplished anything other than burning tons of jet fuel?
Maybe I am wrong, but I don't think so!

Is this the best he can say?

"... Further attacks in the Middle East would complicate a potential ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas.

“We continue to work to get a ceasefire for Gaza over the finish line, and as we discussed with some of you just a day ago in Egypt, we believe that remains both possible and necessary,” Blinken said. “But meanwhile, we don’t want to see any escalatory actions by any party that make that even more difficult.” ..."

Secretary of State Blinken calls for restraint in Lebanon after Israeli attacks on Hezbollah | Just The News

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