Monday, September 16, 2024

Russia’s Regional/Local Elections in September Exposed Limits on Kremlin Power

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"The Russian local elections that took place at the beginning of September did not produce any surprises. All the Kremlin-approved candidates for governorships won emphatic victories, and the ruling United Russia party gained majorities in all the regional parliaments that were up for grabs. Kremlin officials were able to boast of a record turnout, and the use of electronic voting in Moscow ensured an almost clean sweep for pro-government candidates (the opposition traditionally does well in the Russian capital). At the same time, a few hiccups showed that the system does occasionally malfunction.  ..."

Russia’s Local Elections Expose Limits on Kremlin Power - Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace "Despite being able to falsify and manipulate results to an unprecedented degree, the Russian authorities do not have total control over elections."

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